WIll Clomid Affect Normal Ovulation
5 Replies
My wife is like a clock, even at 35. Her luetal phase may be a day one way or the other, but she ovulates consistently around day 14/15. After ttc for nearly 2 years after a tubal reversal, we've done all the tests: hsg, blood, semen and all are o.k. Perhaps this isn't meant to be. But, for one last attempt, my wife is starting on prescribed (seems like a big deal to say this on this forum) clomid, 50mg cycle days 3-7. Will this affect her normal ovulation? WIll she ovulate sooner? Will the chance for twins/multiples increase?
Actually, it seems to lengthen your cycle, depending on how long it was before. Days 3-7 will produce more follicles then a 5-9 cycle..
| ??? - January 7 |
Just because it produces more follie doesnt neccessarly mean that they will pop off and bcome ready to be be fertilized does it?
Clomid will turn your wife into an annoying internet junkie
Clomid is sometimes prescribed to strengthen ovulation and make more mature eggs. Good luck, it's great to see future dad's to be getting so involved. All the best. HTH