I would like to know, when taking the clomid do you take on the first day of your menstrual cycle after, before, or during? I am about to start my clomid 50mg.
You can start taking it on lots of different days: 2-6, 3-7, 4-8, or 5-9. Those are the days that I've heard of doc's prescribing it anyways.
Thanks alot Julie......Question when you refer to days 2-6 and so forth, do you mean the second day of your menstraul until the six day. I am kind of confused.
Hi, You count the first day of your menstrual cycle as day one. So, you take it during your m.c. The days Julie mentioned are the same that I have heard. (I took mine 3-7)
Yeah, you take it starting the 2nd day (or 3rd, 4th, 5th) of your period.
Thank you all very much. That information was very helpful. I greatly appreciate it.