Chances Of Twins Multiples
946 Replies
Hi everyone,
I am also ttc twins. I thought this list of abreviations might help those new to fertility treatments.
AF = Aunt Flo (menstrual period)
bd = Baby Dance (have s_x)
BFP = Big Fat Positive (positive pregnancy test)
BFN = Big Fat Negitive (negitive pregnancy test)
BIE = Basic Infertility Evaluation (testing during one menstrual cycle)
BPT = Blood Pregnancy Test
b/w = bloodwork
DH = dear husband
CD = Cycle day (day in my menstrual cycle with 1 being the first day of my period)
HPT = Home Pregnancy Test
IUI = Intrauterine Insemination (the RE inserts sperm into the uterus)
IVF = In-Vitro Fertilization
PCOS = Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
RE = Reproductive Endocrinologist
s/a = s____n a___lysis
tvu/s = transv____al ultrasound
TWW = Two week wait (the time between ovulation and pregnancy testing)
u/s = ultrasound
I had been trying to post replies to postings over a week now but I kept getting error messages. I guess it's letting me post now. I hope everyone is well.
Kim - It's good to hear from you!!! It's especially good to hear that you have triplets, and that they're all doing well. Keep us updated. We love hearing success stories like yours.
Hi kim,
Firstly, congratulations on the triplets!I'm relatively new to the forum and have been eagerly awaiting to hear how you have been doing. I'm so glad to hear that you are all doing well. How far along are you now? I have just finished my first round of clomid and have my fingers crossed. I am sorry about your neice you must feel very confused right now not knowing whether to greive or be happy. But, remember babies are affected by their mothers feelings. Try to stay positive. It's is wonderful that your DH is so happy and supportive. Support from your DH makes a big difference. Keep us informed on your progress.
Congrats Kim - So happy for you. I hope everyone can share this happiness and hope everyone has such good news soon. Just incase anyone else here is from the UK - I ordered Clomid from, it seems safe and secure - but will let you know when my order is received.
Lauren - Are you okay, haven't heard from you in a while - pls post an entry to let us know how you're getting on...Best wishes, Sunita
Sunita - hello thanks for askin, how r u...just waiting eh? I just finished my 1st cycle of clomid 50mg days 3-7 yest. will keep my fingers crossed. My order still has not come in I'm very bummed as I truly wanted to try 100 mg 1st time as I do ovulate on my own & last time got pg right away. My chance of twins now is even slimmer...Jamie we sound like were at the same stage what days did you take & what amt?
Kim - ohhh how it is good to hear from encouraging! I'm going to get the asparin & robotussin today.
| D. - July 11 |
A quick question: Are any of you of ARA (Advanced reproductive age; I HATE that phrase!)? I'm 39 and doing clomid but I am concerned with the decrease in estrogen. Can someone my age afford that? I was hoping that someone else here might be an "old timer" and be my success story/mentor.
I am going to start the Gonadotropin Therapy in August for the first time. I am have gone through 2 cycles of Clomid (one miscarriage, one chemical pregnancy) I am 43. Does anyone have success stories with the the gonadotropin's and did single or twins happily result. Thanks for sharing.
I have ordered and received both clomid and preseed off the net and have my Robitussin at the ready, just waiting for af to arrive. Then we will start month one...YAY!!
Jaime - How did it go yesterday with the Dr.? Are you still having the same side effects even now that you have finished all of your pills? Amy - At last!! I have been waiting to hear from you. And I'm so glad to hear that you and your babies are doing well! Lauren - Sorry to hear that your pills didn't make it in time. I too want to start with 100mg this month. I will then repeat it next month while ttc. Also, thanks for keeping us up to date with you, it's been helpful. Best of luck for this month!! Sunita - Glad to hear you've ordered your clomid off the net. I'm looking forward to hearing that you've received it. Did you buy the generic brand?
Hi, Amy. Just wondering how you're going? Has the pinching ovary pain gone away? Best of luck this month. I have my fingers crossed for you!
Correction - Sorry I ment to write Kim - At last!! I have been waiting to hear from you. And I'm so glad to hear that you and your babies are doing well! I wrote Amy by mistake! Sorry.
Hi Everyone,
Well I had my appointment yesterday. The doc says that he wants to me to chart for a few months or go in for a lap. I said I'll chart for a few months. My DH has some sperm morph issues so I'd rather not have the lap done incase I'm not the problem. The doc was also not impressed about the clomid, but he didn't talk about it for too long so he obviously wasn't that concerned. He isn't going to do any blood tests this month or ultrasounds. So I have decided that I'll take it next month anyway because he didn't seem too stressed out about it. -Zoe: No I don't have any of the symptoms anymore, they went away with the pills. Good luck with your dose, hope AF comes soon. Do you have your appointment soon? I think that I'm O'ing today I had a temp drop, which is Ok because there has been lots of bd'ing in the last few days. I don't think that we could bd more than we already are! Good luck to all. Baby dust & ++++ wishes
Zoe - sounds like we are in a simular situation...bummed it won't be 100mg for me this month but, maybe I'll get lucky & get twins anyways...or lucky with just one...what ever god wants I'm ready...
Kim-Thank you so much for all the advice.I have started the asprin and Robitussin. I am just waiting for AF, which should be any day now, so I can start my clomid again.I did 50mg last month and will increase to 100mg this month. We will see what will happen. I was wondering if you told your Dr about you taking clomid or if they think you concieved triplets spontaneously?I hope to be in your boat soon.Thanks again.
Just a note to anyone who is thinking about using robitussen or mucinex to help with CM....I read on a site about Clomid, that you should start taking the robitussen/mucinex the day AFTER your last pill. I don't know if it makes that big of a difference or not, but that's what they instruct you to do.