Chances Of Twins Multiples
946 Replies
Also, ladies, keep in mind that any stats you read regarding multiples and clomid (at least the reputable ones, from doctors, not guesstimates from NICU nurses) are based on *prescribed* clomid. Clomid is usually only prescribed if one does not ovulate, or ovulates abnormally, without medication. Therefore, the chances of twins/multiples must be much higher in those who do ovulate without drugs, since Clomid simply tricks the brain into thinking it hasn't, or won't, ovulate at all.
the 2-6 or 3-7 are the days to take the pills. Most docs prescribe that you take Clomid on CD 5-9 but studies have shown that taking it days 2-6 or 3-7 actually produces more eggs and results in more pregnancies. There is a school of thought that states that these eggs are also more likely to be immature but the fact that so many have had success with the earlier days may bear more weight than the risk of immature eggs. I copied and pasted this from an earlier post. If you have the time read through them all. They are very informative.
i read earlier that someone took clomid then estrodial and dr also prescibed that for me. i start clomid days 3-7 this week....any luck?
Kary - good luck on trying for multiples ...we all would love then thats for sure. I expecially hope you can fill the void of the loss you had! I am on cycle day 28...and waiting for test tomorrow...oh my!
I am scared to death. My hopes are up so high right now. My husband said my nippes are getting darker. I couldn't tell. I hope he isn't wishfull thinking or seeing. I haven't had any more spotting since Sat. evening. No cramping just twinges. I have had a dull ache in my back, but I am contributing that to yard work right now. I am tired all the time, but I am also blaming that on the yard work till I know for certain. I woke up 4 times last night thinking I was starting and nothing. I just hope I get a BFP wednesday. I am debating waiting till Friday just so my hormone levels have time to go up more, but I pobably won't. I don't think my husband will let me. LOL Baby Dust Lauren!!!
Good Luck, Lauren & Amanda. I'll be watching to see what happens with you. I just finished my clomid cycle, and am now waiting to ovulate. I SO hope I have a healthy pregnancy this time, and no more miscarriages! That is SUCH a hard thing to go through. Keep us updated everyone! Baby Dust!
Hi girls, well the same thing happen to me.... Aunt flo has arrived only thing is that I have started to spot on the exact day I was due for my period (28th) and then nothing for a whole day and now some blood and some brown but I am certain it will be full b__wn within the next two days. I will not be taking the clomid this month. I did not like the way it made me feel and being that I have children already and have had 5mc's in my thirties i am just not good with all this stuff. Just bought some ov kits today and some Robutssin, I am just going to keep on trying on my own. My husband has a good count but has some bacteria so they are giving him meds but they don't belive that is any reason for the last 7 months of nothing. I wish you all happy and heathly babies, you all deserve it :) good thing come to those who wait. Stay posit_tive ladies and happy baby making.
I am not trying to condem you as twins are a gift but the risks for a twin pregnancy are a lot higher do you not worry about the complications, for a women who is infertile they take these risks so they can have a child. But if you have no problems in getting pregnant why would you take these risks.
Miranda - I was on my 4th month of Clomid and Estradiol. I did not do the procheive. I am finally pg! I am wondering if it is with twins... To Everyone: My HCG at 17 dpo was 1189 and 19 dpo was 2800. Any ideas? I have also had cramps up until 48 hours ago. I hope that it is a good sign. Any thoughts would be appreciated!! Thanks!
If you would go back and read through the posts, you'd see that we each have our own reasons for wanting twins. We are all aware of the risks involved. I started taking clomid to help me. We found out later that it was my husband. If I have one that is great, but two will just make for a bigger, happier family. As long as you are able to carry a pregnancy to term your risks are lower than someone who can't.
Well AF came I start my first round of Clomid tomorrow. Can I take my prenatal pill and Clomid???
I forgot how much of the Mucinex once a day or twice a day? The bottle says one to two pills. Do I have to space out the medication from eachother, meaning Clomid then an hour later Mucinex then another hour the aspirin?? Or can I take it all together.
Take mucinex once a day. I took my mucinex, prenatal, and baby asprin all at the same time. It made it easier to remember.
Lindsay - When taking clomid, you should start your mucinex the day AFTER you take your last clomid pill. Also, you just want 600 mg, and the pills I have all have that in one pill, so just take the mucinex once a day. You can also take your prenatals and the baby asprin while you're on Clomid. That won't hurt you at all, so no worries. Good Luck. Baby Dust!
Thank you I bought st joseph's aspirin 81mg is that the correct one? I'm sorry for the questions but I want to get this right you see my hubby is active duty in the Navy and is possibly getting deployed dust back to you
Yeah, that's the right Asprin. Anything that's 81mg is what is recommended.