i had clomid days 6-11 and thier after started to use opks but got negatives and gave up then got bad cramps thought i ovulated so started trying, on the end of 2 week wait and am really fed up as period has not come but got negative preg test today dont know whats going on can you got a positive after a couple of days? even if you tested after missed period and got negative, ive just gave up hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amylove0701 ~ My best friend got really sick on Metformin also. It was determined that it was the specific generic brand that made her sick. I'm glad you're not taking it anymore, especially since you were having your periods. Good luck this month!!Maybe we'll be on the May baby track together!! I'll find out in a week if my first round of clomid worked :)
Geewife1 and Hope3 ~ Just wondering if your doctors told you to have follicle scans on day 12 of your period? I tool Clomid days 3-7 and then on day 13 went in for a follicle scan. The technition can tell if you have any mature follicles that are going to release, and can calculate approximate ovulation. Then they a__sign you your "homework." I went back on day 16, and they told me I had ovulated and gave 1 more "homework" a__signment to cover all bases. If you haven't had the scan, it might be something to look into, especially if your cycles are not regular. Ovulation predictors don't work for all women :) Good luck to you both!!
sammommy** My whole story is very weird and i feel like my dr kind of jumped the gun.... Because i went to him with very very sever pains in ab area....and he done the 100 question game and then he gave me a pelvic exam and a vag, ultra sound.... said i had pCOS and more than likly Endometriosis...but i would have to do the operation to find out for sure....but my periods were ALWAYS reagular...28 days and never lasted more than 5 so i dont understand all what is wrong with me... cause i thought and read up o it all....and if i have soo many cyst and all then why wouldnt i be irreguar??? idk so yeah it was horrible....the clomid only gave few side effect for me...hot flashes and headache... I started ovulation sticks today and i had a light line BUT i really hope my first rounds works i would just to above and beyond happy with a may baby... i pray you are too... good luck and i'll get you in my thought and prayers....***baby dust***
Sammommy I didn't have a 12 day follicle scan. Before my ob/gyn put me on clomid I had a v____al ultrasound and they saw follicles but the didn't tell me anything about them. She said my pap was normal I don't have cycts on ovaries but i do have the syndrome because of insulin resistance, weight gain and alot of facial hair and very vey irregular periods I also have hypothyroidism My doctor told me after 3 months if I didn't conceive she would send me to a RE specialist. I think she is a good doctor but I may require the expertise of an RE instead of a obgyn. she didn't a__sign me any follow test like checking my progesterone levels or anything. I just keep hoping that I wind up pregnant before that 3 month period is over. I thought you were suposed to try for 6 months. I wonder if my dosage is sufffient enough? I just keep praying and keep my fingers crossed I will be blessed with a little miracle soon.
Hope3 don't give up if you continue to be late go to your doctor and get a blood test. Sometimes stress can make you be late. If your not pregnant and continue to be late you may have to use provera to induce your period so you can start your next round of clomid BUT LETS HOPE FOR THE BEST THAT IT IS INDEED A BFP! I have heard of situations that home preg tests are - but when a blood test is done it comes back +. Keep your faith strong. Good luck Hope3
thanks geewife good to know someones reading. i had no scan to check folicles, but i never thought it would be this hard. my 1st child came with clomid and concieved 1st month but i believe it was the praying and not clomid as it hasnt worked this time and am not goin to give it another go.
!wow! hope3 you just gave me hope to hear that you concieve on your first round of clomid. I am skepital at times. Hope3 just because last time you conceived on the first round doesn't mean you will conceive on your second time as fast. Sometimes it takes 3-6 months I heard. Just be patient with it. Prayer is the best tatic if you feel it is not working then you should discontinue and try to conceive naturally. I shouldn't and don't want to pressure you to keep trying the clomid if you already have your mind made up. Right now I wish I was as lucky as you to even have one baby. I have read other forums where women concieved on there first round but when they tried again with clomid they were unsessful they had to do aditional methods such as hcg shots, iui along with clomid some even had to do ivf. I do not plan on going past clomid and prayer. The other methods are just too costly. hope3 I have even heard of women conceiveing naturally the second time without clomid even tho the used itto conceive the first time around. Good luck to you hope3!
Thanks geewife, but today i have been having these wierd pains on leftside of abdomen i dont know how to describe them its not period pain it just feels really uncomfortable and with it my left leg gets pulled at times too my stomach feels bloated. are these side effects of clomid or do i have some kind of infection ????????????
Hope3 I don't have a clue to what that might be I have never heard of those side affects with using the clomid. You most definetly want to see your doc if this continues. I don't know what kind of an infection this could be but it could be an infection of some sort. Have you rechecked your preg test lately? Thoses kind of sound like it could be preg. pains. Go to the doc to see if your preg or not if your not preg it is a good idea to see what is going on with your body. I too have been having sharps pains in my stomach and on both side of my hips. I don't know if I am ovulating or what! Its hard for me to tell I should have ovulated between aug31- sept 7 seeing how you can ovulate anywhere from 5-12 days after taking the last of these pills. I feel like screaming sometimes I would have felt a lot better if I knew if I ovulated or not . I hope you feel better hope 3.
thanks geewife, but got bad news today started spotting, but in away im releaved cos i didnt know what was going on inside me so now for the next month i can plan it correctly cos i dont think i got my ovulation days right. Are you using opks they might work for you cos you dont want to miss your chance like i did.
sorry hope3 that your not preg. but at least you know what those sharp pains were. I read in your previous forum that you had a white thick disharge was it a yeast infection? Because if it wasn't you may have been ov. but your cervical mucous may have been to thick for the sperm to survive. They say plain robitussin can thin out the cervical mucous to help sperm swim a lot easier and better. Robtussin has an ingrediant called guaifenesin in it that help thin out the cervical musous because I have learned that clomid can causes hostile muscous sometimes which makes it hard for sperm to swim upstream. I on the other hand don't really recall seeing that much muscous. If I am not preg. this round I am going to take evening primrose oil the next round this helps increase good cerival musuos but you only take it from the 1st day of AF until end ov. Flax seed oil can pick up where the evening p. r. o. left off during the rest of the month. If you take primrose more than what your suposed to it can cause your uterus to have severe contractions. As for me and the ovulation tests I may try them 1 more time but I would really like to invest in a fert_tlty monior by clear blue if you read my prev. forum you will see why I say that. Good luck hope3! Oh, have you decided to give clomid another shot or are going natural this month?
Amylove0701 ~ Good luck to you.....baby dust headed your way :) PCOS is such a strange thing. So many women display different symptoms...For a few years in between the lack of periods or really long periods, I had regular periods. so strange. Sometimes the "ring of pearls" (cysts) showed up on ultrasounds, sometimes not. That's what makes it so frustrating to me, the inconsistancy involved making diagnoses difficult. Anyway, I should find out in a few days if clomid worked :) I hope everything does for you :)
Geewife1 ~ We have almost exactly the same issues with PCOS. Sometimes I had cysts present during ultrasounds, sometimes not. Weight gain, insulin resistance, acne, extra hair, no periods, heavy periods, etc. I started seeing a RE 3 1/2 years ago. He did all the bloodwork and also prescribed Metformin for me (1500 mg). I was pregnant 3 weeks later!! Now that we want a second, the Metformin (maximum dose 2500 mg) is not working, so he sent me back to my OB for Clomid. She followed days 3-7 of Clomid with a follicle scan at 12 days. They measured the uterine lining to see if it was where it needed to be (it needs to be a 10) and measured the follicles to see when ovulation would occur. No guess work there :) I've also read the ovulation kits don't work for women with PCOS because of the inconsistancy involved. It is usually stated it on the package too :) By the way my dosage for the first month was 100 mg a day. I don't know what "normal" is but......... Best of luck to you!! :) I don't know where you live, but I love my RE if you need one. I've referred many friends to him :)
sammommy I didn't know that cycts could show up sometimes and other times not. I too had periods that skipped one time for 6 months. Then I too had some that came on and bleed so heavy for so long. I have gain about 65 pounds over the last 5 years. But I found out 3 years ago about the hypo-thy so I figured that was the reason for my irregular periods and the weight gain. I just found out last month about about my new enemy PCOS. I can't do anymore than 500 mg of metformin because it makes me violently sick. In the past I was on 1000 metformin and I thought I would die. so they dropped it to 500 I lost 45 pounds but gained it back when I discontinued usage and slacked off exercise. so now I am trying it again but this time I would like to conceive. I am supposed to be trying to lose some weight but if I get preg. That will be impossible. catch 22 situation
Geewife1 ~ My friend got very sick on Metformin also. Our RE figured out it was the particular generic brand. Maybe you could try a different generic, or maybe brand name, and hopefully not get sick :) The cysts are so strange. My OB in my 20's insisted I didn't have PCOS becasue he didn't see the cysts. However, when I was 19, the cysts were presents and I was diagnosed with PCOS. Very frustrating as a patient. I sympathize with you :) Best of luck. Keep me posted!