| PL - October 10 |
Whtzup welcome!!! I hope the informations that I am going to put in this forum will help you to know more about your body and cycle.
| Bul - October 11 |
no information can ever be too much info. PL i got that automatic email from her as well and the other one asking if i wanted a prediction to conceive or pregnancy. sammommy congrats you giving us hope. and PL your mom is right you just need to relex and not think about it, but the issue is, how do we not think about it when we taking clomid, monitoring cm, and all the stuff we doing. and again how many people have fallen pregnant while constantly thinking about it, a lot. so i guess when its your turn its your turn whether you thinkin or not thinking about it.
i sometimes think for me it was going to be better if i had any infertility problems, everything is normal but no its not happening that is what stresses me the most.
| Bul - October 11 |
sammommy i had to start reading from the top to get your story, wow only 1 cycle on clomid and it happened, very lucky indeed. im on CD 18 and i dont feel pregnant at all. :-) everything is still normal i gues i ovulated early when my man was away, by the time he got back it was already too late. oh well i'm already looking forward to my 2nd cycle and if nothing happens i'll ask my doctor to up the dosage.
| PL - October 11 |
Hi ladies, here I come. I think it is best if you can copy & paste everything to Microsoft Word or something, easier to read and if you like you can print out a copy. heehehe. I hope this information can help some people, and if you have anything to ask, i will try my best to find the answer for you ^_*
| PL - October 11 |
Creighton Model (website can be find online)
The 3 steps in checking:
All of the observations are made at the external opening of the v____a. There are 3 steps in observing for the biomarkers (CM). They are:
Step 1: WIPE THE OPENING OF THE VAGINA with toilet tissue paying attention to the SENSATION which this produces.
Step 2: OBSERVE THE TISSUE for the presence or absence of a discharge.
Step3: If a discharge is present on the tissue, FINGER TEST this discharge between the thumb and index finger.
There are basically 3 components to making any one good observation. The woman needs to determine the SENSATION that the discharge creates, she needs to determine its STRETCHABILITY and CONSISTENCY and to determine its colour. The BASIC PRINCIPLE behind using 3 steps in obsercing for the CM is to prevent any one part of making a good observation to be either forgotten or ignored.
An east way to remember the 3 steps is to remember the word SOFT:
S = Sensation
O = Observation
F= Finger
T = Test
It is very important to MAKE A DECISION regarding the sensation the discharge creates when you are wiping with the tissue PROIR TO looking at the tissue. The SENSATION IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. It is something that the woman FEELS. It is NOT something she can see.
The 2nd step in observing for the discharge is a VISUAL OBSERVATION of the mucus TO SEE if a discharge is or is not present. If a discharge is present, then move to Step 3.
In the 3rd step, a discharge that is present on the tissue is lifted off and FINGER TESTED between thumb and index finger. In this step, the STRECTHABILITY of the discharge and its CONSISTENCY is tested and the COLOUR of the discharge can be determined. WHENEVER ANY DISCHARGE is present on the tissue it MUST be finger tested. In addition, ALL AREAS of discharge that are present on the tissue MUST be finger tested. By finger testing all areas of this discharge, errors in observing will be avoided.
When determining the colour of the discharge this should be done only at time of finger testing and then the discharge raised to eye level so that you can “look through” the discharge which is present.
| PL - October 11 |
A. Use flat layers of tissue
B. Do not use crumpled tissue
In observing for the discharge, a few layers of WHITE, non-scented toilet tissue should be folded into a flat rectangular shape of about 3 by 5 inches in dimension (I don’t really care, as long as it is big and flat). This tissue is used to make the observation. Using flat layers of tissue makes the observation much easier. When crumpled tissue is used it is easy to “lose” the mucus in the creases of the tissue.
C. Wipe from front to back
D. Wipe from the urethra through the perineal body (Please try to find a diagram of Vulvar anatomy online)
The wiping process should begin just in front of the urethra and proceed BETWEEN THE LABIA, OVER THE OPENING OF THE VAGINA, through to the back portion of the v____a opening half way over the PERINEAL BOSY toward the rectum.
The discharge can be present at any place along this location. In addition, it has a tendency to collect toward the back portion of the v____a just in front of the perineal body. Thus, wiping from the urethra through the perineal body is necessary so that all of the discharge can be observed. In addition, wiping over the skin of the perineal body is important in a proper determination of the sensation. THE DECISION REGARDING THE SENSATION SHOUL DBE MADE BASED UPON THE OBSERVATION OF THE SENSATION AS THE TISSUE PASSES OVER THE PERINEAL BODY.
E. Wipe until the mucus is gone.
It is important that you wipe until the mucus is gone. It has been observed frequently that non-peak type mucus may be observed on the first wipe, only to observe Peak-type mucus on the 2nd or even 3rd wipe. If the decision on the mucus observation is made only in one wipe then an important mucus observation can easily be missed. In addition, this instruction applies at any time the woman feels that a 2nd wipe would be beneficial. Apparently the wiping process has the ability to “pull” mucus down towards the opening of the v____a. In effect, you should WIPE UNTIL DRY.
F. Do not do internal examination
The method is based upon observing the mucus externally. Internal examinations create confusion and will provide misleading information for this system.
G. Do not check directly with finger
This standardized system of observing the mucus discharge is based upon using toilet tissue to make the observation. Using finger directly at the opening of v____a will create confusion within this system.
H. Do not base the observation on what is observed in the underwear
It is not uncommon to see some discharge present on the underwear. However, the presence of this discharge does not generally correlate with the phase of fertility and infertility. Therefore, you should not base your observations on what is observed in the underwear.
| PL - October 11 |
In addition to learning how to check for the mucus discharge, the system continues in teaching the woman WHEN to observe for the mucus.
A. Check every time you go the bathroom
It is important that the mucus observation be made EVERY TIME you go to the bathroom. As a general rule, one does not have to make special trips to the bathroom to observe the mucus but when one goes to the bathroom an observation should be made. THIS BECOMES PART OF YOUR NORMAL HYGIENE. The important point here is that the mucus is OFTEN SEEN ONLY ONE DURING THE DAY and if you are not in the routine of observing every time you go to the bathroom, you can easily miss an important observation.
B. Check for the mucus every time before urination
C. Check for mucus every time after urination
It is important in observing the mucus to observe both BEFORE and AFTER urination. The mucus may be seen only before urination and not after and then again only after urination but not before. It cannot be predicted in advance when the mucus will be observed so, in order to make reliable observations, they should always be made both before and after urination.
D. Check for the mucus ever time before a bowel movement
E. Check for the mucus every time after a bowel movement
It is important in observing the mucus to observe both BEFORE and AFTER a bowel movement. Reasons are same as above (kinda tired from typing now )
F. Check for the mucus every time before going to bed
G. Bear down every time before bedtime
A last observation of the mucus should be made at the end of the day just prior to going to bed. Occasionally, this will be the only time that the mucus is present for the day and if an observation is not made at the time the mucus observation will be missed. The user should be aware that this observation should be made within 15 mins of going to bed to go to sleep.
At this last observation prior to bedtime, you should also urinate and the bear down in a mild pushing similar to a bowel movement. This allows for any mucus which may be present to be pused down where it can be observed by an external observation.
H. Make a decision at each observation
It is EXTREMLY IMPORTANT that you make a DEFINATE DECISION regarding what has been observed AT THE TIME yo make your observation. You should then make a METAL NOTE of that observation so that it can be recorded at the end of the day. This instruction becomes even more important as you become an experienced user of the system. Once the observations become ROUTINE the observations can be done so quickly that, unless a conscious decision is made at that time, the observation can be lost.
This process of making a mental note of the observation can be referred to as “registering” the observation. REGISTERING is important if observations are not to be lost. In addition, the observation MUST be taken AS IS. There can be a tendency to “negotiate” an observation. The process of negotiating is the process whereby the actual observation is mentally “talked away” and replaced with a FALSE OBSERVATION. Usually, this occurs because one thinks that the actual observation just “couldn’t be”. Therefore, it is vitally important that you understand the importance of REGISTERING AND RECORDING ACTUAL OBSERVATIONS.
| PL - October 11 |
I. Do not ever discontinue observations
In using the system, the observational routine must be adhered to 100% of the time. Therefore, discontinuing observations will make the method less effective.
J. Do not become complacent about making the observations
As you become more confident in the use of the method and the observations become easy, you need to be reminded that you should not become complacent or “lazy” in checking for the mucus. This will lead to poor observations and a poor record of your phases of fertility and infertility.
The menstrual period is a unique time for mucus observation. There are several important factors which need to be kept in mind. First of all, it is not unusual to observe a mucus-like discharge which occurs at the same time as the heavy day of menstruation and even, on occasion, on the moderate days. This mucus discharge comes from the lining of the uterus as the menstrual period rappers and the flow becomes light and very light the presence or absence of mucus is as easy to detect as if there were no menstrual period.
In using the system, we recommend that you use mini-pad during the light and very light days so that normal mucus observations can be made. Therefore, tampons should be avoided if at all possible during the heavy and moderate days so long as they are changed frequently, at least every four to six hours and are not used during prolonged sleeping intervals, the prolonged use of tampons can lead to infection.
There are a few special times in checking for the mucus which the user of the system should be aware of. These are:
1. WHEN YOU GET UP AT NIGHT TO URINATE. Over 40% of women will get up at least once during the night to urinate. If you are one of those women, be sure to observe the mucus as that time.
2. AT THE TIMES OF BATHIGN OR SHOWERING. At the time of bathing or showering the mucus can be washed away when the vulva is washed. Therefore, you should observe the mucus PRIOR TO taking a bath or shower and, as a general rule, observe for the mucus WHENEVER THE VULVA IS WIPED.
3. BEFORE AND AFTER SWIMMING. Those women who swim have a unique concern about the mucus. Again, when towelling, the mucus may be wiped away. You should be aware of this possibility and observe for the mucus carefully before and after swimming.
Te observational routine which has just been described above is actually very easy to accomplish. In over 90% of women, this observational routine can be accomplished in 30 seconds or less. Keep in mind that what you are being taught is a system that becomes a part of your normal hygiene. Furthermore, it is a system that will allow you to transcribe your observations in an objective fashion to a chart allowing you to track your menstrual and fertility cycles.
| PL - October 11 |
It is important that a common language be used in describing the observations. With this in mind, the following definitions are provided:
STICKY = the mucus stretches up to ¼ inch (<0.5cm)
TACKY= the mucus stretches from ½ to ¾ inch(>1 – 2cm)
STRETCHY = the mucus stretched 1 inch or more (>2cm)
The word STICKY, TACKY and STRETCHY refer to the stretchability of the discharge. It is important to note that YOU DO NOT NEED A RULER to make these determinations – you can easily estimate them.
CLEAR = the mucus is CRYSTAL CLEAR
CLOUDY (WHITE) = the mucus has a CLOUDY or WHITE appearance to it. It may be OPAQUE (that is, you can’t see through it) or it may be TRANSLUCENT (Somewhat “foggy” in its appearance)
CLOUDY/CLEAR = the mucus is PARTLY CLOUDY AND PARTLY CLEAR. When this designation is utilised, the clear means CRYSTAL CLEAR.
YELLOW = The mucus has a YELLOWISH DISCOLORATION to it. This may indicate a small amount of blood present in the discharge or a low grade infection.
RED = this indicates that there is fresh blood in the discharge
BROWN (OR BLACK) = this indicates that there is old blood in the discharge
There are 2 other types of discharges that a woman might observe while using the system. These 2 types of discharge are very characteristic in the consistency.
PASTY(CREAMY) = the pasty discharge is very similar to the consistenct of FLOUR PASTE OR HAND LOTION. It may be sticky bt it is NEVER tacky or stretchy (by itself). It is usually cloudy or white in colour, although on occasion it may be yellow.
GUMMY (GLUEY) = some women may observe a very thick discharge which looks like half dried airplane glue or rubber cement. It will often (but not always) have a yellowish discoloration to it. It may be sticky, tacky or stretchy.
A number of observations that a woman may make will not result in a discharge which can be finger tested. The observation of the mucus then RELISE UPON THE SESATION ENTIRELY. This terminology is now explained and in the explanation we are using the “3 steps” process for a__sisting you in understanding the observations.
1. When you wipe with this tissue you will fell the sensation of dryness. This will be very obvious sensation.
2. As you observe the tissue you can see that it is dry and that it wrinkles easily.
3. Nothing cab ne finger tested from the tissue.
4. Dryness is generally not a problem for most womaen since it is such asn OBVIOUS observation.
| PL - October 11 |
1. When you wipe with this tissue you MAY or MAY NOT observe a sensation of lubrication
2. When you observe the tissue you will see an area of dampness on the tissue.
3. Nothing can be lifted off this tissue to be finger tested,
4. The KEY to your fertility in this observation is the PRESENCE or ABSENCE of lubrication.
5. THe observation of damp WITHOUT lubrication has the same significance as a DRY OBSERVATION.
6. The observation of damp WITH lubrication is PEAK-TYPE MUCUS(FERTILE)
1. When you wipe with this tissue you MAY or MAY NOT observe the sensation of lubrications.
2. When you observe this tissue you will observe a damp area with small area in the center which are shiny.
3. Nothing can be lifted off this tissue to be finger tested.
4. The KEY to your fertility in this observation is the PRESENCE or ABSENCE of lubrication.
5. The observation of shiny WITHOUT lubrication has the same significance as a DRY OBSERVATION.
6. The observation of shiny WITH lubrication is PEAK-TYPE MUCUS.
1. When you wipe with this tissue you MAY or MAY NOT observe the sensation of lubrications.
2. When you observe the tissue, the tissue is VERY WET. The wetness often has a glarey appearance to it which is different from the previous use of the term shiny.
3. Nothing can be lifted off the tissue to be finger tested.
4. The critical sign of your fertility in this observation, as with DAMP and SHINY, is the PRESENCE or ADSENCE of lubrication.
5. The observation of wet WITHOUT lubrication has the same significance as a dry observation.
6. The observation of wet WITH lubrication is PEAK-TYPE MUCUS.
| PL - October 11 |
There are basically 3 sensations that a woman will observe: DRY, SMOOTH and LUBRICATIVE. All 3 of these sensations are obvious. However, it is not unusual to confuse the smooth sensation for the lubricative one. This happens particularly in women who are not experiencing true lubrication and therefore think that the smoothness they feel is lubrication. Actually, the DRY and SMOOTH sensation belong to a broad category of NON-LUBRICATIVE sensations while lubrication is a sensation distinct from them.
The decision regarding the sensation should be made at the time he woman wipes OVER THE PERINEAL BODY. In addition, she should make her decision regarding the sensation PRIOR to looking at the tissue and finger tested the mucus. The sensations are OBVIOUS ONES.WHEN DRYNESS IS PERSENT she will fell definitely dry and the tissue will drag and develop a ‘scratchy’ type of sensation. WHEN THE WOMAN IS LUBRICATIVE, the tissue will ‘glide’ easily over the perineal body. WHEN SHE HAS A SMOOTH SENSATION, she will fell a smoothness as the tissue pa__ses over the mucus membranes at the OPENING OF THE VAGINA but when the tissue pa__ses over the perineal body it will have a ‘halting’ tendency and move more roughly. The ‘halting’ tells the woman that is a smooth sensation, belonging to the non-lubricative categories, and that it is not true lubrication.
In concluding this chapter, the following reminders are provided:
1. REMEMBER, you need ONLY ONE OF THESE 3 SIGNS (clear, stretchy or lubricative) alone, or in any combination, to make the sign PEAK-TYPE MUCUS.
2. Te word STICKY refers to the stretch of the mucus up to ¼ inch.
3. The word TACKY refers to the stretch of the mucus from ½ to ¾ inch.
4. The word STRETCHY refers to the stretch of the mucus 1 inch or more.
5. A RULER IS NOT NEEDED to make these observations.
6. Remember the special categories of PEAK-TYPE MUCUS: damp, shiny and wet WITH lubrication.
7. Remember the special categories of ‘DRY’ observations: damp, shiny and wet EITHOUT lubrication.
8. In each of these latter observations, no mucus can be finger tested. Your fertility is determined by the sensation which is created during the wiping process.
| PL - October 11 |
It might take a few cycles to distinguish when your most fertile day is. My dr. said just prior ovulation and when you are ovulating, your PEAK-TYPE MUCUS will be present. After ovulation you can clearly sees that your mucus changes. You don’t need to have the PEAK-TYPE MUCUS all day, as long as you observe one, you can start the baby making process .
However, there are 2 things that need to be noted down so that you wouldn’t get confuse with your own mucus.
Seminal fluid will be discharged following intercourse. This discharge will begin immediately following intercourse but may continue for up to 72 hours. Frequently, this discharge has the visual and sensual characteristic of PEAK-TYPE MUCUS. As a result, a woman may experience confusion relative to the interpretation of her observations. In order to solve these problems, THE SEMINAL FLUID INSTRUCTION has been developed.
a. Urinate after intercourse (within 1 hour)
b. Bear down and do several Kegel’s exercises in an alternating fashion.
c. Wipe until the seminal fluid is gone.
d. Observe all discharge after the seminal fluid instruction on its merits.
After following above instruction, you will usually not observe seminal fluid the day following intercourse.
*Kegel’s exercise – is a contracting and relaxing of the muscles at the opening of the v____a.
It should also be pointed out that whenever the instruction is used during the time of fertility, the couple should wait 30 mins prior to employing the instruction. This a__sured that the sperm have an adequate opportunity to migrate through thr cervical ca___l to the fallopian tubes conception can occur.
Arousal Fluid is a lubricative fluid which comes from the Bartholin’s glands which are located in the back portion of the opening of the v____a. This fluid is produced in response to either physical or mental s_xual stimulation. The fluid is designed to facilitate intercourse. Arousal fluid has different characteristics from either seminal fluid or cervical mucus discharge. First of all, it has less substance to it. It tends to dissipate quickly and disappear. It loses it stretch quickly. It tends to disappear within an house o so following the stimulation. The following instruction is designed for use in managing arousal fluid:
a. If confident that fluid is arousal fluid then it may be ignored.
b. If ever uncertain, consider it fertile ad observe it on its merits
| PL - October 11 |
Sorry ladies, the typing didn't come out as I thought it would be. I typed everything nice and tidy in Microsoft Word. So I think it is definately a good idea to cut and paste onto Microsoft word, easier to read.
Hi all...so I got the green light to go to round 2 of clomid...but this time we are doing IUI with it...does this really up my chances? Congrats sammommy that is amazing!!!
UGH, I just tested again this morning, BFN! I am 14dpo, and on CD29!! I don't know if I should wait a little bit longer, or start inducing my period again. I swear I have every single pregnancy symptom one could have though....this is so weird!
Congrats Sammommy! How exciting! I would LOVE to have twins. Of course right now I'd just love to have one :-). But that is GREAT news!
Anon- Sorry about the test results. I'm in the same boat you are... do I take provera to jump start my period or not? Has your doctor confirmed whether or not you ovulated? If s/he has, than maybe you should get a blood preg. test just to be sure. My doctor made me do that before I went on provera. Since then I haven't Ovulated, so it hasn't been an issue. But I am hoping this time was a winner... Good luck ladies!