| meg - October 16 |
Thanks CJ! I hope to be getting my results in about an hour! Good luck w/ Clomid this month...I'm sure it'll work for you! I don't know much about progesterone, but your numbers are really high, which is great! Jessica, $9 is a really good price for generic. My Clomid was also generic & it was still $25 for 5 50mg pills.
| Bul - October 16 |
PL did you get your prediction? Meg don't keep us in suspence, any news??
| meg - October 16 |
No news yet!! I am trying to be patient, but I am quite certain that I am failing! I left the nurse a message about 25 minutes ago, & she has not returned my call. Yesterday she called me back immediately. The bell is about to ring & I'm going to have kids for the next hour and a half...I'll try again at lunch I suppose!!
Good luck Meg! You must be a teacher- I am too. I just had to sneak out during lunch and (yes, we eat at 10 am) and call to see the results of my blood test. I really hope I am ovulating. I'm excited for you, though, Meg!
By the way, thanks everyone for the info on the ultra sound. What does pcos mean? I guess I do'nt have it since I don't know, but I am still interested in what it is.
So here's my question, how do I know if things are regular if I have to induce my period with provera? My chest is not really sore anymore, but my b___bs feel heavy in a weird way. Like normally I hardly even know they are there but recently Ihave been very conscious of them... any ideas?
Thanks for all the responses to my first post. Good luck to Hoping1 and meg - it sounds promising! As for clomid, mine is covered by my insurance - it's $10/month at Giant Eagle (by prescrip), where I get it filled. I know insurance varies, but I thought most insurance plans covered clomid, even if they don't cover any other fertility drugs/procedures. So, I've heard some people ovulate late on clomid. If that happens, then will the doc think I didn't ovulate, even if I did (or will) at day 21? How soon before day 21 do you have to ovulate for the progesterone test to come out looking like you o'ed? Cause if I don't ovulate on 50 mgs, I'm hoping to move on up to 100 as soon as possible. So, how old are you guys....just curious. I'm 29, almost 30. So, I know I'm not old, but I really want to have kids soon! And, as for twins, that would be ok. I know my chances of having them are pretty good. They REALLY run in my fam, and on top of that, clomid....
oh yeah - hoping1 - I have the same frustration as you. Since I use prometrium to bring on af, I never know if my body isok - like pcos or other fertility probs - short luteral phase, etc. Clomid was the first thing my doc did (other than a sperm a___lysis for my hubby). But, no other fertility testing. Is that normal? What if I have other issues clomid can't fix? Sorry for lots of comments/question all at once.
Ladies- I have GREAT News. My doctor called a little bit ago and I am FINALLY OVULATING! I was so excited I started crying! He said I was big time ovulating. SO--Hopefully this month is the month! How soon until I can take a reliable test? Today is day 25 for me... Thanks for all of your support! I am so encouraged!
Congratulations! When did you ovulate - do you know? It may be time very soon to test...
| cj1 - October 16 |
Oh Hoping I'm so so happy for you. See you gotta keep positive!! Kimmer23 I'm 32 (yesterday) and I haven't got any kids, but so desparately want them!! Meg any news yet?????
Kimmer-I am 25. I forgot to answer that before in my excitement. I have no kids, but have been married 3 years and would like to start family soon. As far as day I ovulated, it was Day 17 I believe, so I am 8 days past ovulation. I just read you can test as early as day 8 po, but I am kind of nervous....I was on clomid 100, too. Just fyi.
Meg- any news yet?
Happy belated CJ!
| meg - October 16 |
It's official....I'M PREGNANT!!!!! I'm so so so excited!!! My HCG was 156.9 on CD28. I will go back tomorrow to have it tested again, to make sure it is going up properly! I can't believe it! 3 days ago I was so sad becuase of all of the brown spotting...I thought for sure AF was on her way! Thanks so much for all of your support! Hoping, I got my first BFP on CD25 (although I still realy don't know if it had anything to do with my hcg injection or not). I think I O'd on CD14 or 15 (my shot was on CD14). That would be so exciting if we were so close together! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!! What grade do you teach? I'm thinking it must be a younger grade if you eat so early?? I teach high school (mainly 10th grade) english. I'm usually in a good mood, but I'm sure the kids thought I was extra looney today! :-) Good luck!!!! Kimmer, my dr. didn't really do any testing before putting me on Clomid either. She had some blood tests run & that's it.
Hoping1 - it sounds like you might be able to take an early test...maybe tomorrow morning with first urine of the day so you have a better chance of it showing + if you are. And, meg, thanks for the info, and CONGRATS! That is great.
Meg...so that baby psychic was right....you conceived in September cycle! Congrats...I am on last day of clomid, 2nd round. I have my foccile scan on sat the 20th and then my shot......wish me luck-can I have that Cheri's info?
Hi meg I can't imagine how exicted you are. CONGRADULATIONS!!!!!!! I hope you have a sucessful pregnancy.
hoping1.....pcos stands for polycystic ovary syndrome.