Clomid Success Stories June 09
163 Replies
Hey all! I am doing good and no symptoms really just insomnia though normal 4 me and I pee alot lol, a bit of reflux/ not heart burn just burning in throat and I feel hot sometimes.
Krissy not to get your hopes up but my temp went down for 4 days below coverline and I got a BFP so go for the test good luck!
Hi Ladies! Hope everyone is doing good. I have been so so busy lately, I havent had time for anything. I had another appt this past Friday. Everything still looks good - cant tell the s_xes yet :( I go back again this Friday but I think its only for some blood work for the AFP test.
Sam - Thats great that your dh suprised you with being so supportive. :)
Well got to go - we are finalizing the new house plans so they can get started this week.
Good luck to everyone - stay positive!! :)
hey there
i went for an ultrasound today cd12, and i have two follicles, which arent too big yet, so on friday they are checking again to see the size, i got two bars on the cbm today, but itsnt not peak yet, so my follicles are not big enaf yet i guess... guess will find out on friday
schar - How are you doing? Rub your belly for me. Well I couldn't help it I did test yesterday 11dpo and it was a bfn but I was upset or down and depress. I am happy to report that my temp did go up some from yesterday 98.20 to 98.39 if my temp continue to go up then I will test in a few more days. Well this is what is going on with my body today: lower back is hurting off and on nothing major, starving like I have not eaten in weeks, b___bs still a little sore, tired like I can take a nap, stomache is upset, queesy and nausuated kinda feel like I need to throw up but nothing sorry tmi, constipated and my cm is creamy is this normal. I guess this is it I will keep you updated. Krissy68
Ashley2121 - I'm glad you stop in to let us know how you are doing. When will you get another u/s. Take care of yourself and Rub your belly for me and I am staying very positive. I will keep you updated.
HoPe - I'm keeping my fingers cross for your follicles get bigger by Friday and that you get your Peak and your BFP on your cbm. Krissy68
Hope - good luck on Friday. Be sure to keep us posted.
Krissy - thats great your temps are going up some. My fingers are crossed for you :) So when will you test again?
AFM I go on Friday for my 16 week AFP test, not sure if I will have a u/s this week. I dont think I will, I think its just for b/w, so next week more than likely. I hope the babies cooporate so I can start some shopping!!!! :)
*HUGS* to everyone and good luck :)
Hey ladies! Cd 11 today and I got a second bar on my Clear blue Monitor today which surprised me. I am wondering how soon it will take to get that third bar. This is my first time using the CBM. I was very happy to see the second bar today.....that means progress! According to fertilityfriend I am supposed to O on Saturday the 13th, but I am wondering if I will sooner.
Hope~Hey cycle buddy! I am glad you got your second bar today like me!
Krissy~ I am crossing my fingers for you girly!!!
Ashley~Glad to hear the babies are doing well.
hi ladies how are you all sorry i have been mia for a while, so tired, but now i am much fitter!
well i went for another scan on monday and the baby was jumping around the screen, it was soooo beautiful to see, he/she is really surprising how big it has gotten in the last month. 13 weeks now, time is flying!!!
belly is also starting to grow, i finally got to upload a scan pic of the baby, for you ladies to enjoy! anyway, enough about me!
krissie how are you keeping, thinking of you all!
hey schar that's great news, let's hope it is twins! mine is defo 1, and it looks like a boy to me, on the scan pic there is a tiny 3rd legg in my oppinion, i know i am not a sonographer though, so will ask on my next scan if they can see. next scan not until end of next month though, or early august. however, i wish baby dust to you all, hope this is the month for you ladies! hugs esme
Schar - I keep thinking of what you said to me yesterday. Well my temp went down from yesterday 98.39 to 97.94. AF should be here between 12-15. What do you think? How are you feeling? Rub your belly for me.
esmeraldausiahon - Wow 13wks. I am starting to get a little down cuase I kinda trick myself into thinking this could be my month but not real sure now since my temp went down. How are you feeling? Rub your belly for me.
Hey girls here is a quick update I am currently on cd27/13dpo and my temp went down from yesterday 98.39 to 97.94 but here are my symptoms: still bloated, ga__sy, some dizzeness, some cramps, lower back pain, constipated, moody or irritated, fatigue,and creamy cm. I did take a hpt on 6/3 (6dpo) it was negative and then I took another one on 6/8 (11dpo) it was negative. According to fertility friend my chances of being pg is 92.7% and my points were 72 and also I can test on the 13th I will keep you all updated. Krissy68
Krissy not to dawn on your hopes but it sounds like af you still have a small chance I am not sure how rare my situation was it was my first month on clomid maybe my bodies response is a lower temp on clomid. I am doing well. What are you on again clomid or anything like that? I do suggest vitex it worked the first time for me. If you don't have clomid you know u can just talk to an OBGYN and get clomid it is really cheap under $20. with out INS. Good Luck!!!
krissy - with all your symptpoms try to stay positive! Until AF comes you still got a chance :)
esmerald - so great to hear from you!! 13 weeks - I didnt realize we were so close together! I am happy you are feeling better.
Sam, Hope, Schar and everyone else - How are you doing?
schar & ashley - Thanks girls but i am out she found me at 3am. Schar where can I get vitex and how and what days do you take it on. Today is cd 1. I have a dr appointment next month so I am sure she will give me something. As of right now I am only taking folic acid an that is it. Krissy68
Sorry ladies for my absence...I've been feeling super icky with Bronchitis for the last week or so...but as it turns out I had another reason..I just tested...and...BFP BFP BFP and it wasn't even fmu. I took two and both came out pos so I'm 4 weeks and 1 day. Cross your fingers that it sticks.
BTW CONGRATS Schar...looks like we might be preggo together!
Hey gals - Congrats to all the BFP's!! It's always rea__suring to see more!! I hope we see more people ovulating and conceiving here soon as well!!
CD 20. Finally the CBEFM and OPK both agreeing I'm ovulating soon! I can feel the pain and cramps down there agreeing. It's very interesting because it's never been this intense!! So I'm now in the 2ww. Of course I've got 2 more BDing days ahead to help :) LOL. I wish you all the best!!
vitex is at health food stores take it frim cd 1- ovulation then stop when u get - hpt start again at 12dpo
For all of you prego ladies:
There is a product on the market that claims that it can predict the gender of you baby. All you have to do is a simple urine test first thing in the morning. It sounds like a lot of fun. It is called Intelligender. You can find it at most pharmacies such as: Walgreens, Snyders, and USA Drud. the approx. cost for this test is $34.99 If you want more information about it then check out this website: (intelligender dot com/index dot php) I dont know if it works on twins, maybe the website can answer that question. I know that I am certainly eagar to try it.