I just wanted to share with everyone that the babies are both vertex. At 30 1/2 weeks they were transverse and people said the chances of them moving then were slim to none. Well I am now 33 1/2 weeks and they are where we want them lets just hope they stay put!!! Baby girl is measuring 5lbs even and at 30 1/2 weeks she was 3lbs 12oz, baby boy is measuring 4lbs 11oz and he was 3lbs 6oz at 30 1/2 weeks. Just had to share my happy news with someone!!!! Happy Holidays to everone.
Fantastic news Mama4! At 29 weeks mine were transverse (both), and at 30 weeks one was head down and 1 was feet down. I am now 31.5 weeks and I have an appointment next tuesday. I know that one is still feet down because he won't stop kicking me "down there". I guess I will find out on Tuesday the exact positions. You sound like you are doing great, weights are excellent. Hope everything continues to go great.
Great news! Tell them you'll buy them ponies if they promise not to move again. You can always deny it later :)
that's great news! i am 29 weeks and both of the twins are breech (i think that's the word in english.) i mean NOT head down. one is to the width now while 2 weeks ago he was to the length. i'm not sure what that means or if you understand what i mean, i'm translating into english what it says on the paper from the utrasound. i just hope that means that he is still turning around slowly but surely and will wind up the right way so i won't have to have a c section. but you mama4 are giving me hope!
Just because your babies are head down is no guarantee that you won't need a section. All through my pregnancy mine were head down and my doc kept telling me that I probably wouldn't need one. When I went into labor both babies tried to come down at the same time so I never dilated past 6 cm after 19 hours of hard labor and ended up with a c-section anyway. Hopefully you'll have better luck than I did and have a successful v____al delivery but you should certainly be prepared for the possibility of a section because it can happen even if all the factors look right for a v____al delivery. That said, the section was not as bad as I thought it was going to be and I healed up pretty quickly. I thought I was going to be disappointed if I had to have a section, but I really wasn't because my babies were here and they were safe and healthy and that's what was important. I hope everything goes well for you, but you should mentally prepare for either type of birth because it's hard to know what will happen once you're actually in labor. Good luck!
Hi All. Well I just got back from the doctor and one baby is head down and the other is still feet down. The only problem is that the wrong baby is head down, baby A is breeched, so unless they turn I will be having a c-section. I'm still at 32 weeks, so there is time. My cervix is still closed, and I have another level 2 ultrasound in 2 weeks. All these doc trips are killing me!
Hi everyone, I just joined the forum couple of weeks ago. I am 31 weeks and 3 days pregnant with a boy and girl. when I went for my last ultrasound both the kids were lying across, but they are definetly changing positions becoz I keep getting kicked in different places.
I keep reading on the internet that baby movements slowdown after 32nd week, so I am hoping they move in head down position soon. I was talking to my nurse and she told me that even when baby A is head down and B breech docs can try for v____al delivery, they try to turn the baby head down in the womb during delivery, So I am just keeping my fingers crossed.
hi everyone! i just got back from the dr, i am now 31 weeks. she didn't do an ultrasound today but she said she felt that one of them is almost head down, but she said it's not neccessarily the first one that's in the right positon it might be #2. but either way in 2 weeks i have another ultrasound and then she will see what their positons are. she said if in the 33 week ultrasound baby #1 is not headdown we will have to schedule a csection for about 38 weeks. does this all sound normal to you ? it sounds pretty resonable to me, but how do they know that baby#1 will not turn before the csection , and maybe we won't have to do it? i am so worried about having a csection! i heard the healing is very difficult and there can be complications. what's new with all of you? anyone had their babies yet?
jenn95, don't be afraid of having a c-section. Yes, the healing can be difficult but is really not so bad if you keep up on your pain meds. If you need to have one it's for the safety of your babies and for you. However they get here isn't really as important as that they get here safely. The unfortunate part about a twin pregnancy s that we lose alot of control over our 'birth experience' and have to yield to the doctors much more than a singleton pregnancy does. I had my babies almost 3 months ago by c-section (unplanned) and I was completely healed within 3 weeks. I felt almost normal by the end of 2 weeks. The most important things IMO is to get up out of bed as soon as they will let you, and to make sure you take your pain medication. I thought I didn't need it about a week after I gave birth and the pain really caught up to me. Don't worry! Us mammas bounce back!
Hi all. Had a Dr''s visit yesterday, and a level II ultrasound this morning. The babies are still breech (transverse), so it is looking more and more like a c-sec. Even through the Dr. is still convinced that they can still turn, when I pushed him, he admitted that even though it could happen, it is not likely. So, I am 34 weeks and 3 days today. The ultrasound went well. Baby A is at 4lb 6 oz and baby B is at 4lb 12 oz, so at least they are gaining. My doc said that he will not do a c-sec until 38 weeks, which is the first couple of days in Feb, unless of course there is a medical reason to do it, or if I go into labor. I am ok with the C-sec part, whatever it takes to have them born safely. Jenn, don't be worried about the C-sec, I actually wanted to find out more about the procedure, so I posted a question in the c-sec part of the forums and I got a couple of informative reponses, you should check it out, under "what is the procedure of a ceseraen". I cannot move, do not sleep at night and am in constant pain and tired. I don't mean to complain, I know it is all for a good thing, I just wish time wouldn't stand still. Keep us posted everyone, I feel that we are all sisters in this!
The end of a twin pregnancy really is miserable. I felt BETTER after I had my c-section :) My incision hurt, but at least I could lie on my back again without pa__sing out!
freebird- i just want to get the babies here and have all of us healthy, i'm so NOT one of those bonding, natural birth experience poeple. but, i am very nervous about the recovery after a csection, i read all sorts of bad things- the insides getting stuck together and needing more operations, oozing icky stuff from the incision etc etc. and i am planning more children, so i don't want the rest to be csection too. emunah- i feel like we are in the same boat. you are 2 1/2 weeks ahead of me. it's good that you are not worried about the csection. i went yesterday to some homeopath (which i don't really believe in) so he could try to turn the babies. well, i don't have an ultrasound machine in my house so i don't know if he succeeded. but i doubt it. all i know is the rest of the day yesterday i had the worst pain in my back like i had never had in my life. i thought maybe his witch doctor stuff messed up. it's mostly better now though. by the way emunah, are you jewish, just asking because emunah means faith in hebrew. good luck everybody ! keep in touch!
Yes Jenn, I am Jewish, and my login name is deliberate, I am trying to have a lot of faith that everything will turn out ok, I am getting really anxious towards the birth, as there are a couple of ultrasound markers, one which is increasing and I'm trying to convince myself that everything will be fine, although it's hard, I am trying to have emunah!
Jenn95, i hear you. The good news is that with a planned section there's usually less in the way of complications because the docs have a little more time to give you a nice incision, etc. Also, reading stuff ont he Internet you're bound to hear about more of the bad experiences because they will tend to be more vocal about it. People who have uneventful c-sections usually don't feel the need to tell everyone about it :) though eht smaller group that do have complications are usually pretty p__sed off about it (rightly so) so you hear from those people alot. My section wasn't planned but it wasn't emergency either. I healed pretty quickly and have had no complications. From what I hear this is how the majority reacts. If you keep up on your pain meds (don't skip doses, even if you feel ok. It will catch up on you) and make sure you tell your doc right away if you notice anything strange with your incision you should have a good recovery. Also, lots of women have successful v____al deliveries after c-sections. Personally, it's not for me because VBAC has a whole other set of risks, and my section was OK. I would do it again. Lots of women have a VBAC and do great.
emunah- what do you mean ultrasound markers? i know i'm the one who is so nervous here, i hope you're not catching it from me! but in my head i know that it's not so bad, my sisinlaw had 3 csections with 2 singletons and with twins and she was perfectly fine. i'm just trying all the options 1st , but in the end it's all from God and i'm sure it will be ok for all of us. by the way, i tried giving extra tzedaka on mon and thurs and the husband is supposed to check tefilin and mezuzot and now the homeopath. give it a shot, who knows. freebird, you're totally right, it's always the people who have something to complain about that write. people who have everything great don't ususally write and say, hi everyone. my life is great. same with the csection. it's pretty boring to say i had a csection and it was fine and now i feel fine and life is good. it's much more interesting to say, it was horrible, i'm gushing blood ,i might die and life sucks! good luck to everyone.
awwe thats great , a huge wight off ur mindx
The ultrasound markers that I have is that 1 baby has an echogenic foci on his heart - which is a bright spot or calcium spot. The doc is not worried and says without any other markers, it does not need follow up. The other baby has what's called renal pelvic dilation on 1 of his kidneys, which basically means that his kidney is retaining some fluid so it is enlarged. It started off at just a small amount, but as the pregnancy has progressed, it has gone up to 9 mm, and as far as I've read, the cut off point is 10 mm. 10 mm and over, requires follow up care after birth. According to some studies, these markers can also be indicitive of some chromosone abnormalities. My doctor as told me not to worry, since these markers alone are not cause for alarm. It's easy for him to say don't worry. I initially found out about these things at my 20 week ultrasound, and I was totally freaked out, that is when I joined the forum. I worried sick, but then tried to rea__sure myself and stop worrying, however, now as it is coming close to the birth, I am more worried than ever, I just can't help it. I am so scared that they won't be healthy, I know it is not a good way to think, but I don't know how to stop. Did any other twin moms have any ultrasound markers?