Finding Out Late Having Twins
3 Replies
Has anyone just had a feeling they were pregnant with twins even though a doctor said there was only one baby in early ultra sounds.
I would love to see an answer on this as I am huge for how far along I am and would like to know if they can miss that.
i recently had a scan at 7 weeks,one doctor thought she could see twins,she asked for a 2nd opinion and the other doctor said she couldnt and there was only one.ive heard twins can be confirmed up to 12 weeks.i have doubt in my mind too if i am carrying twins as my dad is a twin!
I just asked and answered almost the same question! LOL I had an u/s at 6 weeks...saw only 1 gest sac w/no baby yet, then I had a follow up u/s at 7.5 weeks...we saw the same sac, a baby w/a good heartbeat...nothing else. I even jokingly asked if there was only one in there, she smiled and said yes. Well, after some spotting in my 12th week, a 3rd u/s showed a healthy baby hopping around...and when it moved you could see something behind it...sure enough it was another lil one w/ a healthy heartbeat as well!! I am still in shock and could barely believe they did not see any signs of a 2nd baby on the first 2 u/s!!!???!!!??? I too, was feeling bigger earlier than in my previous pgs, I was also feeling more physically uncomfortable in the middle w lots of pressure in my uterus/cervic region, and a lot more weight gain real fast. So, YES it can happen! :-) I had a suspicion...but am still in shock!!!