Has Anyone Tried 150mg W O Results
4 Replies
h__lo ladies, I was just wondering if any of you have tried 150mg. on days 3-7? I did and no ,,, not preg. a/f decided to come by this month and i'm lil confused, I tried it with only 50mg on days 5-9 and got preg. before the sun came up ... lol so i'm just wondering if a higher dose was less likely to work the same... strange question I know but i'm lost.
I am under the impression that the higher the dose the better it works and the higher the incidence for multiples.. Don't quote me though because I have not been prescribed Clomid by a doctor.
Are you taking it for fertility issues with your ovulating? I have heard that women that have no problem ovulating can actually have a bit more trouble conceiving than normal. It doesn't make it not happen, it just seems to take longer because everything sort of gets out of whack. I wish you the best for a +hpt next month!
yes i was thinking the same Laura but i dont normally have problem trying to concieve, I have 3 lil boys and i only had to use clomid for third pregnancy, my only issue is that i dont get a period every month like i used to, its further apart these days and my o/b tells me 150mg. should be more than enough for a 1 month dose... i think i was just shocked it didnt happen... you know what they say ... it happens when you stop trying (bfp). Thanks for letting me share my thoughts ladies ... I'll let you know more as things come "samehere".