At 18 days since LMP my hcg level is 4049. Is this high? I've read charts, but I was wondering if some Moms could share their levels with me and wether or not it resulted in twins. Thanks
Sorry I meant 18 days Post Ovulation and 32 since LMP
my level at 6 weeks was almost 100,000.
My levels at 6 weeks and 3 days were 30,000. (Not quite as high as duckie's) I will find out thursday if i have twins or not.
My ultrasound got rescheduled so I wont know until next thursday(23rd)... if they dont cancel that one too. (this is the 3rd time they have had to reschedule it) it's making me so crazy. I will write back when i find out tho.
| kv - December 18 |
my levels at 6 weeks are 50,000 and we are checking again in 2 days
I had a v____al ultrasound that dated me at 6 weeks from the size of the sac and yolk sac inside. No heart beat was detected and Dr says this does not look good. Anyone have this happen? I thought v____al ultrasound was stronger?HcG levels are 50,000 . I am very worried.
| CLC - December 19 |
Your doctor should now it can take up to week 7 or 8 to see a heartbeat with any ultrasound. Hopefully everything turns out in a week or so. Try not to stress yourself because it could just be too early.
| J - December 19 |
Kerry, if there's no heartbeat it could be a blighted ovum or molar pregnancy. That's when, for whatever reason, the fertilized egg stops developing but the body still thinks it's pregnant. I think in a molar pregnancy the HCG level is unusually high too. I was diagnosed with my twins at about 6 weeks with a v____al ultrasound, heartbeats and all, so it doesn't look good for you, I'm sorry to say. I really hope I'm wrong and your pregnancy is OK.
How do you ladies check your HcG? I am waiting for my ultrasound 2-3 weeks away. My dates are accurate, but my uterus is larger than it should be at my gestation. I am a twin and feel that I may be having twins. I would like to know what my HcG levels are.
| J - December 20 |
HCG levels are determined by a quant_tative blood test. I should mention here though that high HCG is not always a sign of twins, and sometimes you can be pregnant with twins and have a normal HCG. GL on your ultrasound!
I was 20 days; my level was 6593...levels double every other day so at 20 days you would have been at almost 10000
| ms - January 6 |
hi im 6 weeks 2 days and my levels are 67,000 have ultrasound in 4 days my doc this level is great and very encouraging
I am 35 LMP, 23 days past ovulation and my hcg levels are 20,800. They said that they would do an ultrasound at 7 weeks. I nervous that it could be molar.
I found out I was pregnant on 12/22 and started spotting just two hours after the test and spotted for 2 days very lightly. Went to the doctor and have had several tests for hcg levels and my hcg level for the first visit was 508 two days later it was 1422 then 4 days later it was 12,250 and the doctor scheduled an ultrasound and it confirmed I was only 5 weeks 3 days and he thinks it may be twins. I go back this Friday for another v____al ultrasound. But there was only one sac which means that if I do have twins they are identical. Is there another reason for the high hcg level? The doctor didn't seem concerned but I still am. Has anyone else had this happen?
Crystal did you find out if its was twims yet? I was at 636 and 1 week later I am at 22,200. I am 6 weeks today. Let me know how you made out.
Good luck