How Soon Can A Doctor Tell
4 Replies
| C - June 14 |
does anyone know the absolute earliest a doctor can tell if someone is having twins and is there any other way besides an ultrasound to tell? my friend told me today that his girlfriend is 3 weeks pregnant, and she has told him that they are identical twins, an ultrasound has not performed.
if she is only 3 weeks along, she hasn't even missed a period yet! I think his girlsfriend is fibbing a bit!. You can't even get a positive home preg. test that early.
the possibility is ur friend is pg thro IVF. two weeks after the embro transfer, v r able to know if v r pg by looking at the beta result thro' blood test
We found out at 5 weeks via ultrasound.
i found out i was pregnant at 3 weeks!!!
I took a hpt may5 it was positive ...took another the next morning still positive went to the doc that afternoon took another one still positive...had my ultrasound may 31 and it said i was 7 weeks... :-)