Kim, For my first pregnancy, I was on Clomid with Metformin for a year before we concieved. For my second pregnancy, I was on Clomid with Metformin for 6 mo. before we concieved. That ended in a miscarriage, but the very next cycle with clomid we concieved again and are expecting twins. I found that I ovulated very late in my cyle (day 19 or 20) and I had used the Clear Plan Fertiliy Monitor. Once I gave that up and purchased the regular ovulation detecting sticks, I found that I was able to see when I ovulated a lot easier. E-bay tends to sell these for much cheaper and in bulk from med. supply companies than buying from the store. Good luck!
hi.. i am 22 years old and have PCOS and me and my husband have been trying for a year and nothing the Dr. put me on metformin and the next month clomid. i have only been taking clomid for one month and i haven't ovulated. My temp. chart didn't have any changes and i am very worried about getting pregnant my husband is 39 and he had his first baby two years ago. I have mixed emotions if i ever will get pregnant. I pray that God will let me have our own children one day.
I am 33 years old and have pcos and endometriosis. I had surgery in December for the endometriosis. I started on Clomid and Provera in January ( I have been on Glucophage for 18 months for pcos). I took the Provera ten days and then when my cycle started I took the Clomid on days 3-7 and conceived the first month. I later miscarried at 9 weeks. I am now on my second round of Provera and waiting til my cycle starts so I can start Clomid. Hopefully it happens as quickly again.
in febuary i took prometrium for 12 days to bring on my period and it came on the day i took my last pill i was also given clomid from days 4-9 but my doctor said i didnt ovulate. so last month i was given provera for 10 days to bring on my period and nothing happend its been 10 days exactly since i took it and still not period. my b___st has been really sore to the point where they cant be touched im not sure what to do can someone please help. should i take a test to see if im pregnant or is it just in my mind.the last day of my period was march 4th
Hi Monique I had to take all 10 provera in January and did not start until about a week or so after I took the last one. If you think you are pregnant though you should see a doctor soon because my ob/gyn said Provera can give the baby some serious problems if taken the firsst 3 months of pregnancy. Hope this helps. Best of luck!!!
Hi I'm 25 years old and was put on a med to bring on my period since I wasnt ovulating.Once my period came on day 5-9 I took Clomid 50mg - My question is since I not sure when my next period would normally come due to irregularity when would I begin to feel pregnancy symptoms or be able to test for pregnancy? I went for my ultrasound on day 13 to see if i had ovulated and the dr told me that I had a healthy follicle measuring 1.9 and that I would ovulate at 2.5 - which would be in 48-72 hrs. Now I'm at day 19 with b___st tenderness like crazy. I'm just sooooo confused. By what the doctor said I wouldn't have ovulated until 4-5 days ago, I couldn't be having pregnancy symptoms already could I? I am supposed to be going for bloodwork on day 23 which is just 4 days away but they are only testing progesterone levels to confirm that I have ovulated. Then they say if I don't get my period to come back in for bloodwork again. But how am I supposed to know when I am supposed to get my period since I am so irregular???? PLEASE HELP - I feel like such an idiot everytime I call the doctor's office. All my husband and I want is a baby - I don't want to mess this up.
I just finished my third month of clomid, now 100mg. My husband and I have been trying for a little over six months. My doctor is sending me for a test to see if my tubes are blocked. He does not think that they are but he just wants to be rea__sured. My husband was tested and he is fine. I do ovulate on my own and take clomid to regulate my period and ovulation. If my test comes back normal, he wants to start artificial ins____nation. This month. I think that my doctor is very aggressive. Did anyone ever have artificial ins____nation? It sounds pretty easy. Take an ovulation test, when it comes back positive get a samples from the doctor and then the doctor puts it into your cervix...... If anyone has had this, how many times did it take for you to become pregnant?
I mean get samples from my husband and then the doctor will put it into my cervix
Jessica - I understand about being irregular. My doc office advised to go on like I was having a 28 day cycle. Last mth I took an hpt on day 28 & it was neg. On day 30 I still didn't get my period so the doc office did a blood test & it came back neg also. Finally just as I was getting ready to start on another round of provera on day 32 it happened.
This mth I ovulated days 15/16. Everyday since day 18 I have been eating everything in site & am always hungry! I am also feeling pretty bloated! It is too soon to take a hpt according to my doc office. Has anyone ever had these symptoms? Could I already be having symptoms if I am pregnant?
jessica, I also had to take clomid to become pregnant and I ovulated on days 19-20 every time I took it. I could tell everytime I became pregnant by day 26. The big clue.... Big, soar b___sts. So, I wish you luck!!
Janet, I didn't catch what day you are now in your cycle. 2 out of the 3 times I have concieved, I have been able to get a positive on a hpt 10 days after ovulation (4-5 days prior to my expected period). I used the new Early Detection tests out there. Good luck!
Melissa - I am on day 21 right now. I had bought some of the early detection hpt but the doc office said that they didn't think they would be able to tell so soon! I may have to take one in a day or two! Thanks for the info! XX your fingers!!
thank you laura i just took a pregnancy test and it came back neg but i still fill strange my b___st has never hurt like this and for this long period of time i feel bloated. i have been feeling like this for 3 week and it has been 3 weeks since i took my last provera pill
Hi Monique, well if I were you and still had not started after three weeks I would definitely set up an appointment to see my doctor. When I was pregnant before I miscarried at almost 9 weeks the first symptom I had were sore b___sts. I am on Clomid 50 mg again and hoping for the best. Best of luck to you too.
Alright, I am going to ask the question and it may be dumb. How do you know when you ovulate? I am reading all of these stories and everyone is saying they ovulated on this day or that day. How do you really know? My husband and I are starting clomid next month since we having been trying for over a year and have had no success. My periods are so irregular, sometimes 50 days that I really dont know when I'm ovulating. Help?