Success With Soya Isoflavons
142 Replies
Hi I recently have done alot of research into soya isoflavans and I was curious to know if anyone has actually had succes with concieving twins whilst taking it... any info is soooo much appreciated :L
I took 200mg soy isoflavones CD4-8 and got my BFP at 9dpo. Waiting to see how many are in there. I'm guessing just one. My beta at 16dpo was 738 and 18dpo 1834. This was my first cycle trying the soy and it worked! I also O regularly on my own. Will update once I found out if it's multiples. We weren't "trying" to have multiples, I was just trying to get some help getting pregnant.
babytobenumber2- You're levels do seem slightly high! Let me know if they are multiples! missyslair at yahoo dot com . I'm still without AF due to b___stfeeding. I took 50mg of Soy to try to induce ovulation, but I was supose to ovulate yesterday and I'm pretty sure I didn't (no CM or cramp). I'd love twins but I'm hesistant to use clomid.
What is soya isoflavans, is it a natural way to induce ovulation? Right now I am taking Clomid and is really hating it. I have three more months left of Clomid, but if I'm not pregnant by the end of three months I just want to try to get pregnant naturally.
I will come back and update ya'll with the results of my u/s. It is this Thursday, Nov 20th.
MrsM: soy isoflavones work like a natural clomid. There's an article about it here:
Hello-I actually just took the soy too! I took 200mg on cycle days 1-5. I haven't gotten a BFP yet, but I have started getting really bad headaches and feeling really weird. I had a m/c three months ago, so we are kind of nervous about trying again. I should be getting af in about 5-6 days, so I'll be checking and waiting until then. I'll keep you posted. Babytobenumber2 I'm looking forward to hearing about your u/s!! Keep us posted! It sounds like maybe more then one!
Good Luck Ladies. I read quiet a few things about how Soy Isoflavans are not good for TTC. I am happy you ladies have had so much success from it. But I don't O at all. So it will never work for me. Good Luck!!!
Ashmcc- excessive amounts of soy in the diet can be bad for fertility because it is anti-estrogren. It tricks your brain to think you are low and so it produces more. So taking it for 5 days is no problem, safer than taking Clomid for 5 days because it is natural.
babytobenumber2... I'm dying to hear how your ultrasound went. Your beta levels are quite high. How did you find out your levels?
MommaR: My doc monitors me early now b/c in January I had an ectopic pregnancy. So everytime I get pg I call in as soon as I know and they do bloodwork and usually an early u/s. He did one at 4wks 2days, but we couldn't see anything yet. I also had a m/c in June at 9 1/2 weeks, so I'm very anxious to see that my baby is A. In the right place and B. has a heartbeat!
Do you really think my levels are high? Tomorrow morning can't come fast enough for me to have that u/s! I just keep rereading the same "maybe it's twins" articles and hcg levels on the internet to pa__s the time! ;) I'll let ya'll know when I get back. Apptmt is at 9:45am eastern time.
I'm sorry about your loss. I hope this is a sticky bean for you. And I typed your levels into a HCG calculator on BabyMed... just google it. And it showed your levels quite a bit higher than the 'high' line on the chart. Not to mention you got your BFP super early on! With my 2 sons, I didn't get a BFP til 15dpo. But they were singletons. Good luck with your ultrasound. can't wait to hear about it!
Babytobenumber2: I hope your u/s goes well today!!! I'm home today so I'll be checked back every couple of hours!
I started to get a little bit of spotting the last two days, so I'm thinking af is on her way. But, I just got laid off from my job, and it could be stress. Who knows. Anyway---good luck!! :)
babytobenumber2- Hope your ultrasound went went and you got a healthy baby, or two in there!!
And do twins run in your mom's fam?
I'm back! It's just one little baby growing in there! Which I am sooooo blessed to carry so I'm not complaining! I was so nervous, but everything is right on target. I am 6wks5days and baby measured 6wks4days, with a heartbeat of 148bpm and 128bpm....yes 2 different heartrates- the doc just measured twice- he was not concerned about that. So the soy worked to help me conceive a singleton! Good luck to everyone else!
MommaR: Twins do run on my side of the family. My great grandmother was a fraternal twin as well as my dad. But none for us as of yet!
I'm so happy for you babytobenumber2!!!!! It's always a blessing no matter how many are in there as long as they are healthy!! :)
Congratulations!! A healthy baby!! What a blessing!!! The two heart rates are so different. How far apart did he measure them (time-wise)? Hiding twin? Anyway... one baby is great... it would be funny if you found out there was another one at 20 wks, LOL.
Thanks HopinginColorado!
And MommaR: Don't think I haven't already thought of that possibility!! But I'm sure the doc would have picked up the sound of a second heartbeat when we were listening, don't ya think? I won't have long to wait to confirm it's just one b/c they'll do another one in 3wks at my next OB visit. I've already been all over the internet trying to find out how much the heartbeat can fluctuate within a matter of minutes though ;) Just in case...
My friend's cousin was pregnant with triplets (naturally) and then at her 20 week visit, the doctor found another surprise!!!!! There was a hiding 4th baby back there...... Not to freak you out, but I think that would be kind of cool. (Maybe not with natural Quads! lol) But definitely to get a little extra surprise in there.