Success With Soya Isoflavons
142 Replies
I am new to this site and looking for a little guidance. I would like to try the soy isoflavins, but not sure how it works. How much would I take and when? Any relevant links/webpages? Thanks so much and good luck to all.
MaBeanE-I say just read the earlier posts that we've had and discussed and that will give you some ideas of what to do. I say always start low just in case your body doesn't like the soy.
Good luck.
Angelmamma and Krissy68---any news? My beta test from Monday came back with 187 at 4 weeks. So, it's a positive for sure, and I have another blood test scheduled for next Monday.
Best wishes!!
HopinginColorado - Congratulation girlfriend I am so very happy for you. As for me I did test on V-Day and it was a bfn I was only 8dpo so I knew that would happened. What cd was you on and dpo? I am currently on cd 25/12dpo and my temp did go down some from yesterday 98.53 to 98.42 still trying to stay positive. I know once my temp start going down then I will get AF I will keep you updated. Rub your belly for me. Talk to you soon. Krissy68
I honestly don't know what cd I'm on. I thought I was supposed to O on Jan. 29, but my dh didn't get home until late on Feb. 1. So, I must have o'd like 3-5 days later, but like I said I didn't do the OPK because I thought I was going to miss this cycle. I think it must have been the relaxation in knowing that I wasn't trying this past cycle that must have done it. Plus, I got a ma__sage!! And that really relaxed me.
I did take the soy however. I was taking like 300 mg each day. I did them the first of the cycle like 2-6. Only because I wanted to try and keep my body in sync with the soy.
When are you going to test again?? I'm hoping you get something!!! Did you hear back from the insurance company yet??
Angelmamma-tomorrow is the 20 dpiui correct?!?! I hope it's still positive!! :) Let us know right away!
Hoping- OMGoodness! YAY! Im so glad I checked in! CONGRATS on your BFP! When is your EDD? I got my *official* BFP this morning, EDD 10-25-09! I was so excited! The second line came right up! so I knew immediately that we are actually expecting! I am going to just let it sink in now! I get to call my RE in just about an hour and 1/2 so then I will know what the next step is, I would imagine a blood test. But I can't explain the excitement. I'm a little nervous since my symptoms aren't much right now, but mine usually come on at about 6wks... so I have about a week to go since I'm 5 weeks today.
Krissy- How are you feeling? I hope you're on track for your BFP!
angelmamma--Congrats!!!! That's so funny! My EDD is 10-23-09!!!
I was at 5 weeks yesterday, and I've been VERY tired. Sore b___bs, and last night I thought I was going to throw up after I had a cheeseburger 4 hours prior. I'm still very nervous about this one, but I have second blood draw on Monday!!
I'm so happy for you!!!
Krissy68-You're next girl!!!! :)
Hey girls how are both of you doing? Well I will not be joining you HopinginColorado because yesterday cd 26/13dpo my temp was 98.33 and today cd 27/14dpo my temp did a nose dive to 97.94 so I know AF will be showing up over the weekend. I do however have some great news I got the call I had been waiting for yesterday from my family dr. the insurance approve my referal to see the fertility dr. I have an appointment on March 2 at 2:30 unless someone cancel next week then I can go. I also have my lab slip because they want me to have blood work done on cd 2 or 3 to check my FSH and E2 do you know what a good number should be. I am so hyped but nervous because my insurance really don't pay for anything I know the first visit is going to cost me $80 and the SA will be $140 and they don't cover injectable at all so if I have to get that for a IUI it will be $2,00 for meds alond and if I have to do IVF (which I can't afford at all) the meds along will be $4,000. If you girls know of anybody who might have some extra meds they want to sell or donate please let me know or if you know of a place to get them cheaper. I have a nice weekend and I will keep you updated. Krissy68
Krissy- I'm sorry to hear that. I don't know anything about the fertility stuff, but if I hear of anyone that does, I'll let you know or direct them to this forum to talk to you about it.
Keep your chin up. And the blood work is a good start at getting an accurate reading about what your body is doing!
Good luck!
Hey Ladies!
I just wanted to give you an update of my beta levels. I'm 5 weeks 4 days and my progesterone is 45.5 (the high for the first trimester is usually 47) so yea!!! ( I lost my first one and my low hormones were the reason they think, so I'm being watched very closely now.)
and my hcg count was 5207. So, things are on track! :) My first u/s is scheduled for Mar. 16th at 3:30 p.m. so the hubby can be there with me. Fingers crossed this one goes well! :)
My best to you all! :) Baby dust and love!
Hey girls I just wanted to pop in and say hi. HopinginColorado - Those are great numbers and I am so happy for you. You are having your first u/s on my moms birthday so I know it will be all good. Here is my little update. AF showed up on Saturday just like I knew it because of my temp going down it never fail so I wasn't even upset. I went first thing this morning to have my blood drawn to check my FSH and E2 can you explain what this is. I was hoping someone would have cancel their appointment this week but they didn't so I am not going to worry about it I will just wait 1 week and go from there. I will talk more tomorrow they are working on the fire alarm and it is driving me crazy. Krissy68
FSH is the Follicle Stimulating Hormone. It's what makes you ovulate an egg. It starts to produce after your period and it starts producing more then one follicle in the hopes that eventually just one will pop out and that's when you have an egg.
E2--This is what I found online.
An estradiol test measures the amount of a hormone called estradiol in the blood. Estradiol is the most important form of estrogen found in the body. Most of it is made in and secreted from the ovaries, adrenal cortex, and placenta.
Estradiol is responsible for the growth of the female uterus, Fallopian tubes, and v____a. It promotes b___st development and the growth of the outer genitals. The hormone plays a role in the distribution of body fat in women and stops the process of growing taller.
Good luck with everything! I'm still going to check in and see updates and give you guys updates as things go on. :) My best to you!
HopinginColorado - thank you for the information and I am just hanging out and waiting until Monday. I will be on cd 10 when I see the dr and my blood work came back but my family dr wasn't in today so I don't know the results I have to wait until tomorrow. Take Care!!! How are you feeling? Krissy68
Hey ladies here is a quick update. My FSH is 8.4 and my E2 is 53 are these good numbers? I have my appointment on Monday and I can't wait. I hope everyone have a great weekend and I will talk to you on Monday. Krissy68
Krissy--I don't know if they're good or not. Maybe try a google search and see if you can find anything regarding those numbers.
Keep us posted!
Hey ladies I just wanted to say hi and to see how everyone is doing. I have been MIA but I am back. I just started back TTC this cycle and I am currently on cd 8 and the only thing I am doing this cycle is taking folic acid prescribe by my doctor and taking my temps again and I did go to the $ store and I brought 5 opk will this be enough or should I get more? I will start using them on Sunday cd 10 since I am so out of sync with my body. I will update. I need updates from everybody. Krissy68