Twin Brith

12 Replies
Cathi - February 4

Can you have both babies va___al or is c-section only?


onetwothree - February 4

If baby A is head down and bigger than twin B, you could have them both v____ally, even if baby B is breech. But, there is also the possibility that you could have baby A v____ally but baby B won't descend so you would need a c-section for baby B.


to onetwothree - February 4

when you say baby A do you mean that the baby that comes first? how do they know (before birth) which baby will come first?


onetwothree - February 4

The label the babies by how close to the cervix they are. Baby A being the closest and Baby B being a little behind, so Baby A would be delivered first v____ally. I don't know how they do it with more than 2. One of the triplet moms could answer that one.


Melissa - February 4

I had both mine v____al. It usually depends on if twin A is head down or not. Usually if A is head down, they'll let you go for a v____al birth. Now, we knew all along that B was bigger than A and I still delivered them v____ally (she was 12 oz. bigger than he was).


onetwothree - February 4

Wow melissa, 12 oz is a huge difference. Did they know the difference was that big when you had her? My OB said that it could be done but they would not push for a v____al if baby B was bigger than A since A would be creating the wake, so to speak.


Corona - February 4

My cousin was able to have both twins v____aly. Baby B, was her son who weighed 7oz more than baby A, her doughter. However my other cousin had triplet girls 13yrs ago & the doctors wouldn't even attempt a v____al delivery. I must admit that I'm afraid of the entire delivery idea...maybe they can just knock me right out!!LOL


Melissa - February 4

Yep, they knew she was bigger. I think the last u/s (at 35 weeks / 3 weeks earlier) had predicted her at 6 lb. 3 oz and him at 5 lb. 7 oz. There was no problem with them coming out. B was breech before A came out and then she flipped head down. They came in at 6 lb. 4 oz. and 7 lb. She was 16 mins. after him.


yetanothertripletmom - February 5

They label triplets the same way. Baby A is the lowest, then B, then C. Triplets are almost always c-section so when they are delivered they re-name them according to actual birth order.


Candice - February 6

Hi, Cathi. My girls are now 15 wks old and I delivered both natural! Baby A was head down and was born with no problem. Baby B was breech and was delivered breech, it was a tough delivery it was only ten minutes after A but a lot of pressure and her little leg was bruised from the delivery.My Baby B was also a little bigger than A only by 3 oz!


Corona - February 6

Seriously, I still want to be knocked out! Does that make me a big wimp? I had open heart surgery when I was a child & the doctor I have now feels that it is best to have as little stress as possible on the mother. I don't know how the doctor back home will feel. I quess that choice isn't made until later in my pregnancy.


onetwothree - February 6



k. - March 1

My aunt had twins, boy and girl, v____al. the Girl was 7 pounds so many ounces and the boy was 6 pounds so many ounces. So you don't have to have a c-section if all is well, she went the full nine months too....



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