Twin Sacs No Yolk Pole Heartbeat
7 Replies
Hi there...I am 4 weeks, 5 days pregnant...been in and out of ER doing bloodwork and ultrasounds since 4 weeks becuase of severe side pain...drs thought it was an ECTOPIC. Today had an ultasound that ruled out ectopic and had 2 sacs in uterus...neither of which had a yolk or pole...and obviously no heart beat. My hcg level is 5220 (up from 960 at 4 weeks 1 day). DR said its possible that it is still too early to tell...but searching online found pics of ultrasounds with twins at 5 weeks...yolk,pole and all. Does anyine have any ideas/thoughts????
You are WAY early. First - dont believe everything online, although I know that it can be. Most people dont even know they are pregnant at 4 weeks so that it why your doctor is saying it may be too early. We saw 2 sacs at 5 weeks, but nothing inside until 6 weeks. Good luck
I also think you're too early. I had an U/S at 4w3d that showed 1 empty sac. At 5w4d I had another U/S that showed 3 sacs complete with yolk sacs and fetal poles. Even a few days can make a huge difference. Hang in there!
thank you for that!! The waiting is the worst part!!! Did you have your hgc levels checked in the mean time??? would that do any good or mean anything?? thanks again
AN UPDATE-- I had my HGC level done today and my level was 11, i am a little more than doubling!! i go for my next u/s on monday to see if they see 1,2, or any developing sacs. I am so nervous!!
another update...I was in the ER last night due to bleeding and pa__sing a clot like thing...DR said everything looked good though with an u/s!!! I am now 5 weeks 4 days...they saw both sacs...and one had a yolk sac!!! DR said it was normal for them not to develop at same rate...i have another u/s monday...hoping for more to develop :)
another update...went for my regular scheduled u/s today and both the sacs had yolk and fetal poles...and possible flicker? of heart!!! so far so good for me!!! i go back on aug. 1st for another u/s