My wife is an identical twin. What are the chances of her having twins?
Hi, That's a good question. I know fraternal twins can run in families but I think identical twins is sort of a "fluke", it just sort of happens. Sorry for the phrase I don't know how to phrase it differently.
Yeah, from what I understand, it doesn't run in families.
fraternal twinning is genetic. Identical twinning is just a "fluke" or spontaneous occurrence that has nothing to do w/family history.
Since identicals are believed to be a gift from nature and not genetic, your chance is as good as anyone else. About 1 in 33 chance for fraternal and 1 in 250 chance for indenticals.
Tell your wife, I too am an identical twin. I had a set of fraternals but I don't know if it had anything to do with me being a twin or my age. I had my twins at 44.