is there any way i can increase my odds to have twns
No. It is usually pa__sed on through second generation. Unless one of your or your partners grand parents were a twin it is highly unlikely that you will conceive twins.
Identicle twins do not run in the family, one egg is fertilized and for some reason it splits causing to be two which make identicle twins. Doctors really don't have a logic answer to why this somtimes happens. As for fraternal twins, it has to run in your family or partners family some where in the genetic trait. And really you can't increase your chance of having twins unless through a doctor you are taking fertilty drugs like Clomid or somthing, most people who have help from doctor prescribed drugs, have more chances of having a multiple birth.
There are other factors that increase the likelihood of twins. Such as age of mother. After women reach a certain age they may begin to release more than one egg at a time. In fact twins are more likely in a older woman becasue of this. However the likelihood of having identical twins remains constant no matter what age the woman is. Other factors in the likelihood of having fraternal twins are number of children the woman already has ( this is regardless of age), and bigger ( taller or fatter) women are also more likely to have twins. Personal genetic factors ( twinning running in the family, "racial" background) may also apply and exclude all of the others mentioned.
| Amy - August 20 |
Twins run in my husbands family. what are the chances of us having twins