Ashton- no... actually your levels should triple every 48 hours in the beg. Mine were 134 on 11 dpo... So, 3 weeks 4 days... and then 48 hours later it was at 370 at 3 weeks 6 days.... then 6 days after that.. at 4 weeks 5 days it was at 4467. One week after that it was over 20,000. So, in the beg. it should triple every 48 hours... then when your about 5 or 6 weeks.. it might double every 48 hours and then once it hits about 10,000.. only double every 72 hours. But, it should be about 5000 around 5 weeks. So, even though it seems yours started out kinda late.. it looks good and normal now. Once your HCG hits 2000 you can view it on the ultrasound. But, the numbers don't seem high at all. Oh, by the way... I am only having one with my numbers and they were definitely higher. ANd I know my exact date of conception. That is why HCG varies so much. You can't really go by just the HCG alone. Good luck!! Oh, when are you having an ultrasound?? Also, at 5 weeks 4 days... which is 25 days past ovulation... your levels should have been a lot higher than only 41. So, maybe you aren't as far as you thought or you ovulated late!?
Hi Daniella I am glad to hear that everything is going well with you. Awww isn't it fun to see the little pouch getting bigger I have little pouch already too I feel the baby move sometimes too it's cute I'll feel like a twirl or like a summersault feeling it's pretty cool. Have you felt anything yet?? Well I am 15 weeks 3 days today. The Specialist said that they will probably be able to do the Anatomy ultrasound tomorrow I'm hoping they do it and everything turns out fine. How far along are you??? Do you have any morning sickness??? Keep me updated on how you and the baby are doing. and I'll let you know how we are doing. Hey sometimes I cannot get into this site so if you wanna e-mail @ catnas24@hotmail.com you can so we can keep in touch and see how each other is doing.... I'll be back tomorrow to let you know how everything went... Thank you for the Prayers and I'll pray for you and your little one too just think we'll both have healthy little babies in about 5.5 months..How Exciting....
Cathy.... I am exactly 15 weeks 6 days. So, I am due May 11th. :) Your only days after me. Cool!!! Yes, I feel the movements already. Not so much when I touch my stomach, but inside I can feel it. I will Email you and give you the link to my online journal that has pics and what not in it. I bet your so excited about your apt. :-)
Daniella - How funny I'm due May 13 only 2 days apart I wonder who'll go first lol. Oh ya me neither I cant feel the movement if I touch my tummy but I can feel it inside. I am extremely excited I'll either have a Great Thanksgiving or a not so Great One depending on how my appointment goes I hope all goes well tomorrow...
What should hcg level be at for a normal/single pregnancy at 3 weeks pregnant?...I went to the doctors on Friday, did an ultrasound, found that I was only 3 weeks pregnant. I had blood drawn on that same day. My Hcg level was at 567, on Monday (3 days) later its was 2228....does it mean twins?
what is the best time 2 take a pregnancy test?
| NB - November 23 |
Hi guys, hope you are all well? we had appointment with specialist today...all tests came back clear for me and my husband! I have spent the whole day in tears..you think I am mad I know...I shud be pleased, but I wanted them to find something, not serious but something then I would at least have a reason why we have had 3 miscarrages! But no nothing...Nature, if I hear that word one more time then I will scream! He now refuses to see us again until I get preg again..nothing no advice no nothing...all he said is that next time he will prescribe a low dose of asprin, thats all...I asked about proges he said that it has been proven in the UK that it categorically does not work....I was dumbfounded!! I just feel like we have hit a brick wall, and next time is still going to be a anxious time of uncertainty!!!! Me and my husband not sure we got the strenth to go through this again!! Love to you all xx
NB- I lost 3 pregnancies also and they couldn't find anything wrong at all.... except that my progesterone wasn't staying high on the last one, so as a precaution I "made" my doctor prescribe Crinone 8% for this pregnancy the moment I found out and I am now 16 weeks. My levels have been checked and 4 weeks after the meds. my levels were exactly the same as it was before I started. SO, if I wasn't on the progesterone supplments my levels would have dropped again and this would have been my 4th loss. My sister saved her pregnancy because of progesterone supplements also. It definitely helps if thats all you needed like me. I just wish we found out sooner on my last pregnancy. I would have been due in Feb. if we caught it in time and saved it. The supps dont hurt at all, so I don't know why your dr. wouldn't give it to you just in case. Beckie___ when you say 3 weeks... do you mean 5 weeks with the 2 weeks gestation.... or 3 weeks since your LMP?? Because if you conceived 3 weeks ago (meaning that your 5 weeks) then your HCG should be about 5000. So, sounds good to me! Can't tell if that is a single or not. But, you can see it on the ultrasound at 2000, so you can find out at any time now. Good luck!!
Hey Ladies,
Well I just wanted to update everyone on how my appointment went today well we had the ultrasound with the Specialist and he said that there is still blood in the Amniotic Sac I guess there is a little blood clot in the corner he said it's called a Hematoma something I forgot whatelse he said. Well other than that he said to just take it easy and that the baby looks great we seen the head,tummy,legs,arms,toes,fingers it was soo cool and the heartbeat was still strong and they say it looks like we may be having a girl!!! I'm soo excited well we go back in 3 weeks for the Anatomy Ultrasound so we'll see how that goes and hopefully that blood clot on the Sac will absorb....
Cathy- thats good! Especially if its only slight bleeding behind the placenta. My apt. is one week from today. I am so excited to find out what we are having also. This past week the kicks/movements have been getting a lot stronger, hehe. :)
| Lea - November 30 |
You mentiond you had trouble with spotting. That merely means that implantation has occured nothing else. sorry to dissappoint you but obviously the second egg was implanted properly and died, like every other 2-3 week miscarrige. As for Janelle, if there is any Hcg in your blood you are definitely pregnant.
Hey guys, see we're all sharing, i am 6 weeks pregnant. had our first visit yesterday as my blood is Rhesus Negative and my husband's Rhesus positive. My gynae did an antibodie count and it seems everything is still ok, for now, we'll have wait until 28 weeks to see what happend. good luck to all of you with your pregnancies, etc.
Hey Andrea- my husbands mom is 0- and his father is 0+ and she had 3 perfectly healthy sons. All 0+
Hello everybody. I have never posted here before but I have a question. I had what I thought was a period on November 8th and then light spotting November 19th thru the 26th. I had a positive (faint) test on November 23rd. I went to the ER on the 29th and they did ultrasounds but couldn't see anything and said my uterus doesn't look pregnant. But the weird thing is my hcg is 1500 so I don't understand. That seems high for only 2 weeks pregnant but it also seems high if I miscarried on November 8th instead of having my period like I thought. Any comments on the situation would be greatly appreciated. I am going on Dec 1st to repeat the hcg. Also my pregnancy symptoms are slowly disappearing.
Daniella - How are you?? How did your appointment go?? I hope everything went well. Well I am doing pretty well I had some brownish spotting on Saturday and a tiny little brown clot too, The doctor had told us that if I have any brown spotting not to worry because it was just the old blood comming out so I was not too concerned about it, I am just hoping that when I go to the doctors again that the blood in the Amanotic Sac is gone. We'll soon see though. Well I go to the doctors again on the 7th to take the AFP Test, and then I go to my Doctors on the 14th and then the Specialist on the 15th. I'll let you know how it goes...Take care of yourself and that baby of yours...
Cathy- thanks for asking. My apt. is tomorrow. I am so excited. We find out if its a boy or girl. whoohoo!! I also have my triple screen test tomorrow as well. Well, just take it easy and Im sure everything will be fine. Dont over-work yourself and make sure hubby takes care of you as well. :-) Hey, Email me if you want and I can send you my 7.5, 11, and this new one, week ultrasounds. On my 11 week one we could see the arms and legs also swinging all around like he/she was dancing. lol. My Email is "Jarhead4me2@aol.com" Just make sure you put your name in it so I know its you. hehe. :-) Anyhow, take care of yourself and I wish you well on your next. apt. also!!!