My b/f came to town sept. 1-4 the days i was ovulating. we didn't use a condom but used the "pull out method" about a week ago sept16 i had some very light bleeding. it was mostly a brownish color with a little bit of red. i heard that this could be caused by implantation. i was feeling more tired than usual, moody, and don't want to eat anything. i took 2 pregnancy test, both were negative. but i testedt to early. i was due for my period today. and yesterday i started to lightly bleed again. then it stopped. but this morning when i went to the bathroom there was blood but only when i wiped. and it is still very light. normally when i start my period it is sooo heavy so this is very weird to me. could i be pregnant? is it normal to have light bleeding twice??? someone please help!!!