Please Help -pg118589739053
1 Replies
Hi, I am 24 years old me and my fiance have been trying to concieve for about 6 months now. I have been having weird feelings lately. On July 1st I got my period which usually comes on the 19 th of every month. The past 2 weeks I have had unusual mood swings i thought i was just PMSing very badly but I have been very short temperered and find my self breaking out in tears over almost everything, but nothing in general is bothering me. 2 nights ago when i wiped I noticed a light brownish spotting yesterday it was gone. now this morning it is back but not even enough for a pad. also the past 2 days I have had very unconfortable lower back pain. I have not had any morning sickness but have had slight cramping in my left side. i took 3 HPT but all negative could it be to test? could I be pregnant?
I have known lots of women that had a period during the first month of their pregnancy.
It sounds like you have all the early symptoms I had when I found out i was pg. I would just give it a few days and then call your dr., or go to a pregnancy care center.
good luck