Need Advice

1 Replies
blessedmom94 - February 29

I need some advice, one of my closest friends was talking to me today about her prenatal visit last week.  She is now 29 weeks pregnant,  she has missed a few appointments so they got curious and popped a drug screen on her, she does pills & she was so upset and told me she had smoked Meth over the month. She has never done it before , so I don't know why she would do it now. Well she got back her summary from the obgyn in the mail today and it says her drug screen was ordered,  but it doesn't say collected like the other test,  what could that mean? & beside it it says dignoisis:  insufficient prenantal care of the third trimester. I was really confused about that and she was too. I really want to help her out. If she was to stop smoking that stuff and quit doing pills she should be fine before labor right? And the baby as well?? Help me with some advice,  or facts,   so I can help her!! 



anab - August 27

Seriously! I am worried about you. It is totally wrong that you take the drugs. It will affect your health badly. I only advise you to go to a good clinic. There is a good clinic in Europe. Its staff will help you. You can easily come out from this situation. Don't take any drug anymore. Just go there. Keep me updated. I am waiting for your next post.



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