A - Z Of Pregnancy Terms
Here is an A-Z list of some pregnancy terms you may hear while you are pregnant and some you will never hear of.
A-C | D-F | G-J | K-N | O-R | S-Z
Oligohydramnios: Lack or deficiency of amniotic fluid.
Omphalocele: Presence of congenital outpouching of the umbilicus containing internal organs in the fetus or newborn infant.
Organogenesis: Development of the organ systems in the embryo.
Ossification: Bone formation.
Ovarian cycle: Regular production of hormones from the ovary in response to hormonal messages from the brain. The ovarian cycle governs the endometrial cycle.
Ovulation: Cyclical production of an egg from the ovary.
Oxytocin: Medication that causes uterine contractions.
Pap smear: A routine screening test that evaluates the presence of premalignant or cancerous conditions of the cervix.
Paracenrical block: Local anesthetic for cervical dilatation.
Pelvimetry: Evaluation of the size of the birth canal or pelvis. Performed by X-ray.
Petit mal seizure: Attack of a brief nature with possible short impairment of consciousness. Often associated with blinking or flickering of the eyelids and a mild twitching of the mouth.
Phosphatidyl glycerol: Lipoprotein present when fetal lungs are mature.
Phospholipids: Fat-containing phosphorous. The most important are lecithins and sphingomyelin, which are important in the maturation of fetal lungs before birth.
Physiologic anemia of pregnancy: Anemia during pregnancy caused by an increase in the amount of plasma (fluid) in the blood compared to the number of cells in the blood.
Placenta: Organ inside the uterus that is attached to the baby by the umbilical cord. Essential during pregnancy for growth and development of the embryo and fetus.
Placenta accreta: Placenta that attaches to muscle of uterus.
Placenta increta: Placenta that grows into muscle of uterus.
Placenta percreta: Placenta that penetrates muscle of uterus.
Placenta previa: Low attachment of the placenta, covering or very close to the cervix.
Placental abruption: Premature separation of the placenta from the uterus.
Placentamegaly: Abnormally large growth of the placenta during pregnancy.
Pneumonitis: Inflammation of the lungs.
Premature baby: Baby born before 37 weeks.
Postnatal blues: Mild depression after delivery.
Postpartum depression: Depression after delivery.
Postpartum hemorrhage: Bleeding greater than 15 ounces (450ml) at time of delivery.
Pre-eclampsia: Combination of symptoms significant to pregnancy, including high blood pressure, edema, swelling and changes in reflexes.
Premature delivery: Delivery before 37 weeks gestation.
Presentation: Describes which part of the baby comes into the birth canal first.
Proteinuria: Protein in urine.
Pruritis gravidarum: Itching during pregnancy.
Pubic symphysis: Bony prominence in the pelvic bone found in the midline. Landmark from which the doctor often measures during pregnancy to follow growth of the uterus.
Pulmonary embolism: Blood clot from another part of the body that travels to the lungs. Can cause closed passages in the lungs and decrease oxygen exchange.
Pyelonephritis: Serious kidney infection.
Quickening: Feeling the baby move inside the uterus.
Rh-negative: Absence of rhesus antibody in the blood.
RhoGAM: Medication given during pregnancy and following delivery to prevent isoimmunization. See Isoimmunization.
Round-ligament pain: Pain caused by stretching ligament on the sides of the uterus during pregnancy.
Rupture of membranes: loss of fluid from the amniotic sac. Also called breaking of waters.
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