Looking For Parents

9 Replies
guccigal87 - August 13

i am 21 years old with a amazing 18 month old son. I have just found out i am pregnant with baby number 2 and i cant keep it. I just got out of school, got a good job and i am getting on my feet for the first time in three years. I have thought about abortion and i have a appoitment for tommorrow with a counsaler to see what i should do but i am looking into adoption. Im just wondering from you ladies who have adopted or who have given babies up if you can help me. First how did you feel giving up your baby and was it closed or open adoption. In your mind what is easier for the mom cuz i would LOVE to know my kid, i just cant afford it and i dont want my kids to grow up with nothing like i had. Also do the adoptive parents pay for anything when you are pregnant like expenses and time missed from work things like that becuase i dont know if i can afford to miss time from work and doctors appointments nad everything so thats another reason i was thinking abortion. how often do you get to see your kid when its an open adoption and can the kid know the siblings and grandparents cuz i would like my son to know his brother or sister, i also dont want my second kid to hate me for giving it up becuase i really really love it, but i want the best for it andat this time in my life im not ready to give it the best. wow thats a lot of questions hopefully someone can help me


sis - October 29

i'm sorry to hear that you are having to make such a difficult decision. i'm 23 , my huusband and i have been trying for a while now to get pregnant, tried ivf last nov. 2007 but miscarried. i was adopted when i was 18yrs - sounds strange -i know -its b/c i grew up being physically & mentally abused by my biological mother and social services didnt do anything til i was 14 yrs old- finally took me out of the home. the home i was placed in was wonderful and they are my parents and i am very thankful for them but what i wanted to tell you was that they had also adopted other children some from birth and older.- like me. my longer brother that was adopted from birth knows that he was adopted b/c his biological mother couldnt take care of him and loved him enough to know that he would be better off with a family that could take care of him. he is now 7yrs and understands what happen. i thinks its better to let the child know from as soon as they can talk that this is your mommy but they grew in another womens body who loved them very much. the children that dont get told til they are older or dont find out their family secret til adult- have issues of not uderstanding why they were given up for adoption. hope this helps you


rspears01 - November 17

It sounds like you've had a really rough time of things. Adoption is a really beautiful choice and you're a wonderful person for giving your child life. That alone is a great testament to the love you have for him/her. I'm 30 and my husband is 28. I think an open adoption is a really great option. My husband and I lost a daughter in our seventh month after many, many years of trying to years of conceive. We have also been told we can no longer have children so we're looking to adopt. We would actually prefer an open adoption because as the child gets older you can make sure they understand that their first mom loved them so much that she gave them a better life - that even though her heart ached for him/her she put her own interests aside and did what was best for him/her. I believe it's important that the child knows that. It's also great if the first mom can be part of the family. If other siblings can be involved I think it's ideal as well...we hope to simply join with another family and have a large network of family for our child to grow up in...feeling loved by so many. If you would like ot know more about us, please get in touch with us rspears01 at g mail dt com or ms42721 on Y hoo Jill


Really want a Baby - February 24

Well I'm looking to adopt a child not older than 2 because I cant have kids I have a boyfriend and we plan on getting married and he really wants kids and its hurting me really bad because I want kids and he wants kids but I cant have any I'm 23 I'm a fulltime college student and a CNA my boyfriend is a Supervisor for a resturant and hes 24 we have a 3 bedroom home that we own thats waiting for the sweet sounds of a child but fees are really high so if you think that you can help me please let me know.


Mim42 - February 26

You have probably already made your decision about this baby, but if you haven't please contact me! I am a 26 year old single mom. My son is 4, and we would love nothing more than to have a baby brother or sister in the house!!!! My son is amazing. He's very well loved and cared for, but he really really is ready for a brother or sister. :)


guccigal87 - February 28

hey guys sorry that you are still replying to this post, but it is an old one, I made the choice to terminate. I dont regret it, things are better for us and in a few more years we will have another one, I hope all of you girls get a baby for adoption though, i know a lot of couples are looking for them and if you are patient it will happen for you guys too


Floricica - June 20

My parents who are 45 and 42 really want a baby. They own a house they have a nice life. They tried for a long time to have a baby but my mother had two tube pregnancys and then after that she tried to do the hormones and all that stuff. Spent a fortune. It turned out her womb had huge fibroids on it so they had to remove it. She is happy and a wonderful person. My step father is really wonferful as well. We live in Canada and it's really nice here. The only problem is that my parents dont have 10 thousand or 18 thousand dollars to put out up front. They have good income and all that, but it's not like they get a pay check of 18 thousand dollars. They really want a baby:( I feel bad because I have a child and I am able to have children so it hurts my mother even more:(


mltp74 - July 11

b4 any women consider puttin up their kid 4 adoption they hav 2 b 100 percent sure dats what they want 2 do. its not goin 2 b easy 4 u or 4 da couple dat want 2 adopt. once da child is born can u really jus giv him/her up. i jus had a misc a few days ago and it was my 1st preg. but anyway there r some good couples n da world dat would make good parents but there r also bad couples n da world dat u dont want ur kids bein raise by them. wit adoption u may end up handin ur kid over 2 a couple dat can hurt da child. there r kids n this world dat do hate their birth parents b cuz of da bad things they went through n their life. i kno n my heart dat i couldnt put my child up 4 adoption. i may not hav alot of money but dats o.k. all dat matters is dat u love ur child and protect him/her. let god take care of da rest. things hav a way of fallen n 2 place. jus wait till ur child is born and jus hold him/her. then ask urself can u really giv ur child up.


KCS69361 - June 27

Sometimes the most loving thing a mother can do if she's in a crisis is to make the hard decision to put her baby's needs first and let the baby be raised by a family who is ready to parent. I'm not talking about money, but sometimes you just know in your heart that you can't give a baby all the love or attention or stability that you'd want. Our son's birthmother gave me the most incredible gift, to be a mother, when she wasn't ready. She loved him more than anything on earth and that's why she was able to make that decision. She is one of my heroes, and my son knows her and loves her and will one day understand what a hero she is in our lives. If you are in a crisis situation and want to make an adoption plan, please let us know. We can help each other. karenmikeadopt dot com.


jennandluis - August 29

hello there and we would like to let you know that we as my husband and I would love to adopt your baby. Please let me get some kind of information from you as far as where you live and background if you like, if not you can just call me at 325 977 1533 or email jenisalazar (at) live (dot) com


Unfortunately, due to the fact that many people have been using this forum to essentially try to "buy" or "sell" babies we have decided not to permit any more posts to this area of the site

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