Anxious For A Little One 2 Years Of College Left

4 Replies
ParkersWife - July 8

Hello all! I'm 21 and my husband is turning 24 next month. We've been married a little over a year now. He is a full time electrician & I have 2 years of school left. My plan is to wait until next year (which will be my senior year), like October or November before I get pregnant. I'm thinking I'll stop my BC pills in August of 09 and begin trying in October. That way the baby will be due after I graduate and in the summer time. Is anyone in a similar situation or have any suggestions? Also, I worry about being pregnant and going to class. Any advice is appreciated! THANKS!


kaylapylot - August 21

Hi ParkersWife. I was reading your post and I was stunned because I am doing the exact same thing. Me and my husband wanted to have kids young, so we could do everything, and also while our parents were still young so they could help. We planned it out so that we would give birth in June, as for I graduate in April. If your worried about going to cla__s pregnant I wouldn't. The only things to kind of think about are your back will be sore, and your ankles as well, but this will be more dominant in the last month. Other than that, if both you and your husband are ready and you know about the challenges and the blessings that come with it, I wish you the best, and I hope that you'll keep me posted!! Good Luck!!


kgonz0204 - August 27

I am in the same exact situation!!!! Both me and my boyfriend are 20 years old and both going to school full time and work full time. I am about to graduate in May of 09 but my boyfriend will not graduate till May of 2010. We are planning on trying to get pregnant at the end of this year and hopefuly we succeed!! I think this is the best time for both of us to have a baby because we are both young and on our ways to having college degrees and also finicially. I will have the time to take care of the baby because my degree will always be there but the opportunity to have a baby with no worries isn't. And about being pregnant during cla__ses is of course gonna be uncomfortable in about the 3rd trimester but you will get ALOT of attention. Well, I hope i helped you out and i hope all goes well for you. Keep me updated on your situation and i'll keep you informed on mine. Thanks and Good Luck!!!!


Samoria - March 3

I don't know your exact situation, but you really didn't mention anything about your husband being onboard with this plan. Is he? As for going to cla__s pregnant.... I would have to disagree with Kaylapylot. I am pregnant right now and in college, myself. When it's said that the "only things to think about" are sore backs and ankles... that's not true at all. In terms of my pregnancy affecting school: First trimester morning sickness and exhaustion are a huge problem. I had to miss many cla__ses because I was sick. Unless you have a cure for it, it's something to be aware of. I told all of my teachers so they are aware of the situation, but I would be lying if I said being extremely tired and sometimes sick didn't affect my cla__s. You can also get headaches in the first trimester that can be troublesome. Just something to think about. :) (I know this post is rather old.)


jenna32 - March 22

It's different with every pregnancy i'd say. I hope you've thought about if you have a student loan to pay off, yikes i wouldn't want to be pregnant with that around.



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