Could I Be Pregnant -pg112570755318

4 Replies
P-L-S - September 2

Hey im 14 and me and my boyfriend just started to have s_x. We have had unprotected s_x 2 times and he said he c_mmed in my both times. Im not on birth control and I've never been on it before. Also he has smoked marijuana a lot in his lifetime, do you think this will effect him getting me pregnant? or do you still think i could be pregnant?


kel - September 8

first my dear. You are very young. think about what you are doing. If you think that having s_x is the 'right' thing then make sure that you use protection! You are only 14. don't rush to grow up. and yes, you could be pregnant. The pot may have an effect on the child but how you care for yourself is what matters. Don't TRY for a kid. They are very cute but a lot of hard demanding work, time andmoney.


D - September 10

yes it does effect the possibilty but do u think you `ll be able to take care of the baby


omg - September 11

you are way too young to be having s_x, let alone unprotected s_x. Have you ever really thought about what you would do if u did become pg?! Please be careful and take your time growing up!!


Jami - September 13

A lot of people are going to be telling you 14 is way to young for you to be having s_x. But everyone in the world can tell you that you are to young and babies are way to hard of work for you at this age,and it most likely wouldn't change anything. I was 14 when i started having s_x. and what it really comes down to is if you are mature enough to be having s_x and make the right decisions. I am 18 now and 2 months pregnant. my boyfriend and i wernt really trying to get pregnant, but we wernt really trying to prevent it. it's a scary thing but it is also so wonderful. I know if my boyfriend didn't have a good job, there is no way that i would be able to have this baby. That is one thing that you should really put into consideration. would you be able to support this baby, give it the care it needs and so on..... about smoking marijuana, continuous usage could possibly lower his sperm count. making it harder to conceive. But, him smoking would not have affected your baby. so i wouldn't worry about that. Well, if you are pregnant or even if it turns out that you arent and you want someone to talk with that wont have a negative outlook on your situation, let me know and we can exchange e-mail addys or something :) hope everything works out the way you want it!



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