I M Scared Of Getting Pregnant
3 Replies
My husband wants a baby so much, and so do I, but I KNOW I am not mentally ready. I can handle having a baby and such - I just know that I want to do so much more, and my husband is 5 years older than me... Actually I'm pretty terrified of becoming pregnant, and he refuses to use any sort of protection... And he does not want me to use birth control....... Maybe I should post in another section, but.. I do have one question... What is BIOLOGICALLY speaking - the BEST age to get pregnant?
The best biological age or physical age for becoming pregnant is during the time when a woman's fertility is at its peak....typically around the ages of 18-24
Hello ArmyWife, Please know that having a baby is a very big very personal decision. And that both parties should feel like they are ready to start the journey. I in no way shape or form want to get in between a husband and wife but if you are not comfortable yet you need to let you husband know you need a little time. Bio the best age is between 18-24. But mentally it is better to get yourself into a good place before having a child psychologically. Make an appt to talk to a OB and let them help you understand all of the physical and emotional aspects you will go thru having a baby and that may help you feel better. You can then let you husband known you are taking steps in the direction of starting a family and you hope he will be supportive in the small steps instead of pushing you into a big one. Again please do not think I want to get between any husband and wife and but when it come to having a baby my thoughts are it should be both who are mentally ready.
ArmyWife, your gut instinct is telling you to wait, so please wait. Don't be pushed into having a baby yet ~ wait until you are ready and it will feel right for you and things will fall into place. You respect his desire for children so much, that you are on the internet asking questions about this. By the same token, does he have the same respect for you, to wait until you feel that you're ready? If the answer is "probably not", then talk to your gyno at your next appt about options like the depo shot... it's the contraceptive shot you get every 3 months. Definitely not a long-term commitment, and you can stop any time. I do apologize if I'm overstepping my bounds, but there was a time in my life when I too was not ready and I'm sooo glad I waited until I'd lived my life and things felt right. Many years later and with much happiness I'm 9 months pregnant as I write this, and I know things turned out the right way. Good luck to you, ArmyWife.