Breast Feeding And Formula Feeding
4 Replies
Is it safe to br___t feed and use formula at the same time? I want to br___tfeed my daughter, however I was wondering if it was ok to use formula once in awhile too so daddy can help?
well I personally never done it because my son wanted more then I could give him but my friend was in school when she had her son so she b___stfed him when she was home and her mother gave him formula when she was in school!!!
yes, it's safe, but you could also just get a pump and pump milk, so dad/babysitters can give milk in a bottle.
it's safe. but formula feeding will reduce the supply of milk you make. you can also pump and let dad feed with that.
Not recommended. Your milk supply will suffer. There are pleanty of other ways Daddy can be involved. My husband is the best burper. He can get a burp when I can't. He is aldo a great baby dancer. Another good Daddy bonding experience is to lay the baby on Daddy's bear chest for some skin to skin contact. Makes for some great photos too.