Breastfeeding And Periods And Pregnancy

3 Replies
1_4_The_Road - January 24

I wondered if someone could maybe offer some opinions here. I still BF my bub he is almost 9 months old I have gotten my periods back around the 5 month mark in nov I got it on the 23rd and in Dec I got it on the 24th .. now this month I haven't gotten it .. today is the 24th but according to the 28 day cycle I should have gotten it the 21st. I have had s_x a couple days after the last period ended and then just a week ago so I totally missed any days I would have ovulated ... I also did a pregnancy test yesterday and got a negative it was a first response test. Do you think it is more likely my period is just late or screwed up cause of me br___tfeeding or do you think its more likely that test messed up - I don't have alot of money to go wasting on numerous tests and I don't have medical insurance... so should I wait another week then if i still don''t have it re test? Are those tests often wrong ..they never have been for me before! .. any advice would be great


Kristin72 - January 25

Are you able to go in and get a blood test? If not do you have a Dollar Store where you can pick up some dollar hpt tests? I have fallen pregnant while b___stfeeding so there could be a good chance that you are pregnant. You could have ovulated late though so it may be too early to come up on hpt. Let us know how things work out? ARe you experiencing any symptoms?


1_4_The_Road - January 25

No I haven't had any symptoms yet but I didn't have any with my last pregnancy either until I was close to 8 weeks. I actually Feel like I am going to get my period - I feel bloated or sensitive in my lower abdomen and have discharge but no period. I took another pregnancy test today cause it came 2 to a box and i figured maybe if i did it first thing in the morning but it still says negative. I also have been peeing alot so that usually happens once I get my period too. Usually my body is very regular so when I get a period it is the same every month and doesn't really deviate. Heres the dates. I got my last period Dec 24th - Had s_x new years eve then nothing til the 17th,18th and 20th figuring I was close to getting my period anyway he is SUPPOSE to pull out but to be honest that is how I got pregnant the first time - he's a little slow with the trigger. I guess if I still don't have it I can do another test in a week or two - I worry because my job has me doing alot of heavy lifting and I would really like to know asap.


1_4_The_Road - January 26

I don't know what is going on I still don't have it and now today I feel sick to my stomache - but that may be due to eating a greasy lunch .. or maybe it's nerves.



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