I just had my baby on Thursday (12/29/05) and have been br___tfeeding since the beginning, but my nipples already feel a little cracked, and they hurt, and it's only been 4 days. I'm using lanolin after each feeding, but what can I do to relieve the pain. I also know that he's latching on correctly too, I plan to bf for atleast 6 months and I can hardly handle the pain and it's been 4 days. Any help, advice fast?? He's due for a feeding in an hour.........thanks!!
I took ibuprofen and put ice packs on my chest. Also, try changing up feeding positions too.
I took Ibuprofin and used lanolin on my nipples. Mine cracked open too the first week and it does hurt like hell when they latch on! I soaked cabbage leaves in water in the fridge and laid them on my b___bs after feedings. Don't worry, they'll heal up and stop hurting so much. Mine didn't crack after the first time. I know it's painful but it's short lived!!! Hang in there!
I know that you said he is latched correctly but just check and make sure that both the bottom and top lips are turned out and not puckered in. If they are turned it that can cause a lot of pain. If he is latched correctly it might just be a matter of time, sometimes it takes a little getting used to. Make sure that if you take him of the b___st to break the suction first by putting a clean finger in the side of his mouth and moving it outwards before moving his mouth off the b___b. That can also cause pain and cracking. Good luck!
I had my baby 6 wks ago and the first week was horrible....hang in there for it does get better and easier. Try to let your nipples get air and try different positions while b___stfeeding - if it hurts while feeding - it quite possibly is positioning. Good luck:)
I would try to meet with the Lactation Consultant at the hospital, (usually there is no charge for this) and she will usually watch how you feed your baby, and offer you tips to help. Go now, before you get cracked nipples, and have to use a shield, or pump!
Thanks ladies for all of your respones! I've also heard that tea bags work really well too, so I think I will try and give that a shot as well.
My son is 6 weeks now but my nipples were bloody by day 2. My sons pediatrician told me to get nipple shields and holey cow they worked awesome!!! They are made by Medela brand and you can get them at target or babies r us and your hospital might sell them to. It's like a nipple that covers your nipple and the baby just sucks on that. I loved it! Now things are great without it.
ive found that smearing vasaline round the areola helps their lips slide realyy wide getting a good latch, i used kamilosan and found it better than lansinoh, i was in agony to start with, but you should see a` b___stfeeding support worker as cracked bleeding nipples are usually caused by bad positioning, baby may be latched well but puling if body is not right (tummy to mummy)etc keep going though, i swore and cried for the first few weeks then got mast_ts and thrush but kept going Jasmin is now 9 weeks and its great, she loves it.
I feel like I could be postioning the baby wrong. I have a lactation specialist coming over tomorrow morning. It seems like the only time I'm not in a lot of pain is when I have some pain meds in me. I don't want to rely on that. We'll see how it goes tomorrow. Thanks for your help.
| jg - January 3 |
I used vaselline and lanisoh to try and relieve the (excrutiating) pain, but I think the only thing that saved me from giving up was to use a nipple shield. It was such sweet relief!!! From week three I did without it and there were no probs for my baby to go from sucking from that to directly to my nipple. Plus I found that expressing a feed or two a day gave me time to heal.