HELP Scared To Introduce Bottle W Breastmilk
8 Replies
My daughter is 3 weeks and I have been br___tfeeding her and it going great. But I want her to be able to take the bottle also(w/ pumped br___tmilk). I am afraid she will refuse the br___t and I'll be stuck always pumping or swiching to formula(which I DO NOT want to do). I'm not going back to work and I'll be around her most of the time so I will br___tfeed most of the time but I would like for my husband to able to give her the bottle sometimes when I run to store or if I'm really tired at night or something like that. What do you think I should do or what have you done? Thanks so much!!!
| KH - September 17 |
I started my son at 2 weeks and he is doing great! He usually gets 1 bottle a day by hubby or even me and it has never been a problem at all. I did that with my daughter too and had the same experience. good luck!
Introduce a bottle once a day at least. I didn't introduce a bottle to my son until he was 8 weeks and that was the worst mistake. He is 31/2 months now and last friday was the first time he took the d__n thing!!! and it's not like I was giving him formula, it was b___st milk!! We had many battles over this but I finally won. he used to fight me so much that i thought if people were walking around outside my house, they would have thought that I was beating him!!!!
I gave my daughter a bottle at 3 weeks and she did fne with it. Since then I have given her the bottle a few more times but nothing on a regular basis as I have not been able to pump lately. . Don't be scared, if she is doing well on the b___st try giving her the bottle once and see how it goes. Everything I have read and heard say introduce a bottle at 4 weeks if the baby latches on to the b___st correctly. I don't think 3 weeks will make that much of a difference.
You can introduce a bottle, but make sure, at first, you're not the one to give her the bottle. She needs to a__sociate b___st with you and bottle with Dad or someone else.
Thanks for the advice. I tried the bottle last night(my husband and I both tried it) and she got mad an refused the bottle. I tried 2 different nipples(playtex fast flow and slow flow) I didn't push it to hard though. I will keep trying. Thanks
My son is only 10 days old and he has had the bottle twice already with no problems. Same thing with my 2 yr old when he was an infant.
I started trying to give my baby one at 4 weeks and I think I waited too long (btw, she is 7 weeks now). She will only gum it and suck a little. I would like to get her on one bottle a day, just so she gets/stays used to it. I had similar problems with my first baby and if I have another, will give it at 2-3 weeks, if b___stfeeding is going well (hindsight is 20/20).
| EM - September 20 |
I started supplementing my son the first week because he was eating so much. Then at 3 weeks we drove cross country and I pumped and fed it to him and then b___stfed when we stopped for the night. At 6 weeks he refused my b___st entirely and would scream bloody murder at me.