I M Scared That My Nipples Will Turn Into Big Nipples
2 Replies
Crazy concern but I really like how my nipples look now! I have a great round areola and a small nipple. I'm freaked out that when I start br___t feeding my nipples will get bigger and hang. Is that what happens? I've seriously though about not br___t feeding due to this but I have recently learned that br___t feeding can also help with not getting pregnant again, so I am considering it again. Also, I do know it's better for the baby. I just don't want long, hanging nipples, in the end. Please help.
I've nursed five kids and I don't have long, hanging nipples. I've never seen long, hanging nipples. LOL! The image is just too funny!
I have nursed two, and everyone I know has nursed, and I have never seen long, hanging nipples, either. Are you talking about (excuse the expression) those National Geographic nipples you see? I have never seen those on any of my friends, either.