Piggy Baby

2 Replies
poizinniv - February 26

I have a one and a half week old, perfect daughter. She's an angel, but I'm having a rough time getting bf down. She'll nurse for about 45-60minutes and still be hungry or be hungry again like an hour later. I know my milk is coming in because I can pump and get at least 2-3 oz. from each br___t. I feel like I'm doing something wrong, because I'm trying the Eat, Activity, Sleep schedule and feel like she's not going 2-3 hours between feedings. So frustrated, any help would be great!


poizinniv - February 26

I also wanted to add that she falls asleep a lot at the b___st, I have to work hard to get her to stay awake to eat! I know that's a common problem, but it makes it really hard to get a good amount of bf in her!


wv_red - February 28

Totally normal. My dd ate every hour for about 45 mins but it eventually spaced out. She is growing so feeding on demand helps you increase your supply and helps your dd grow :) It will work out but for now it feels like you do nothing but feed. lol it will get better!! Congrats!!!



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