My daughter is 13 days old. She is a great nurser although prefers to feed one side at a time. She has been puiky the last couple of days and crabby. This is baby no. 5 and I have br___tfed all my kids. It has been 13 1/2 yrs and I cant remember everything..........Does anyone else have this problem with puiking or spitting up? She is not puiking everything but sometimes it is projectile.
Gina, my little boy is 6 days old, and he is taking to b___stfeeding very well, however, he has spit once and vomited once. I think my milk is coming in so fast and he does not know how to suck & swallow all this milk. The first time he threw up was when I think my colustrum was turning into milk and he threw it up. I'm concerned about it too.....I'm sure it's normal, but being this is my first it kinda scares me. I want to make sure he's getting enough food, and when he pukes it back up I feel so sad. I'm going to the peditritian tomorrow, and I'm going to ask him to see what he says. How often does your little one puke or spit up?