My daughter's got a rash on her face, Mostly on her cheeks. Anything you know that could help get rid of them?
It is probably infant acne. You're supposed to leave it alone. My son gets it on and off. I just gently wash his face with a wet washcloth a couple of times a day and that is it.
Eliminate dairy from your diet. It takes about 3 weeks for it to completely leave your body. It should clear up by then, if that is what is causing it. Wheat would be my next guess. Other than that, do some research on family allergies, and/or see an allergist. Did you or other family members have ear infections as a child? This is one of the symptoms of dairy allergy that they didn't know to look for when we were kids. Good luck.
What does the rash look like?
how old is your baby? because most likely it is just baby acne. my son had that for about the first month then it completely cleared up..and i would just use water and a cloth too.