I was thinking about renting a pump? Does anyone know where I can and is it worth it? And how much is it?
| C - January 26 |
I think you just ask at the hospital. I don't think it's inexpensive. Maybe $40-$50 per month. I own my own pump and it was a couple hundred dollars.
| JL - January 26 |
I just returned the pump I rented from the hospital, the Medela Cla__sic. It was $75 per month, and the kit with the disposable pieces was $60. Ugh.
I rented the one from the hospital for $30 a month but only kept it a couple weeks cus I figured if I planned on pumping at work till she's a year old, the rental would end up costing as much as a pump and it wasn't in a case or anything. My insurance paid for everything but $15 for the collection kit and then I got a really nice used Medela Pump In Style at a children's exchange store for $70 and it's been working awesome and I have extra collection kit stuff.
I got the collection kit for free at the hospital, and I think they charge $30 or $40/month. I am also thinking of renting for one month to see if I even like the electric pump before I spend a ton of money on it.
renting one for a short period of time is good(1month or less) If you plan on pumping longer than that I would just buy one. I rented a pump and alo bought a new pump at the hospital i delivered at. Bought new pump$180 rented for $19/wk + $40 for kit. Remember formula can cost you $40-$50 wk
I bought a pump n style ($250) off of ebay for $50 then went to the store and bought new cups and hose. try to find one there. The replacement parts are really cheap it's the motor that is expensive