Why Do My Nipples Hurt So Bad
3 Replies
| KJL - October 27 |
I have a five month old son and br___tfeed. Of course when I first started nursing, my nipples were very sore and bleeding. But I havn't had that problem for a long time. For the last two weeks, my nipples have been so sore that I can't hardly stand to feed him (just sore, not bleeding). It was just the left side, but now it is both. I have tried lanolin but that hasn't helped. Could I have an infection? Could it be a different way he his latching on? I've checked for teeth, but none yet. Any other mom's have this problem?
Is it possible that he's/you've got thrush? Has he gotten lazy with his latch?
| C - October 28 |
No this hasn't happened to me yet. If you start getting flu symptoms, you probably have an infection.
| KJL - October 29 |
It's starting to get better. I think It was due to him nursing non-stop during the night.