My H and I are seriously considering bottle feeding only for a variety of reasons. My concern is that my niece had lactose/soy/something else allergy and my sister had to bf because the formula for that combination of allergies is like $70 a can. How soon does your milk dry up if you do not bf at all - or does it even come in? I'm worried if I don't start bf that I'll find out a few weeks later that we have the same allergy problem & I won't be able to go back and bf.
| KH - June 15 |
why don't you pump in the meantime. I think it takes about a week to dry up, but not for sure on that one.
| C - June 16 |
I'm not sure how long but it's not long. You should at least b___st feed for the first week or two. Your milk is going to come in regardless to wheter you b___stfeed or not. That way he/she will get the wonderul benefit of colostrum. I personally use b___st milk and formula. I first do this because b___st milk is so good for him. Secondly because even regular formula is expensive. Talk to a lactation specialist to find out more details.
Relactation is possible, but can be a huge pain in the a__s. You need to speak to a lactation professional or LaLecheLeague leader if you are considering it.