Our only baby, a boy, is due end of Sept. We plan to br___t feed during the day, and give a forumla bottle last feeding before bedtime to assist in allowing the baby to sleep thru the night. (Im not asking for input on this :) ) What I am asking is, for anyone who has tried this, does the baby seem okay with it (digestion and preferencewise) ? And, do your br___ts get too engorged from not br___t feeding overnight and saving it for 6
AM - 7PM? Thanks!!
| jj - July 4 |
good question...planning on doing the same, anyone???
| P - July 4 |
I would guess they would get engorged. Mine do when my daughter doesn't eat very much at night. My daughter also HATES formula! I tried to supplement her a few times and no way would she take it. If you start right away you may have better luck than me.
thanks for the responses!!! P, did you try several different types of formula and bottles? So, you do wind up pumping at night then just when she isnt too hungry?
Id love to hear more from others who may have tried this approach. I know b___st fed babies are so healthy, but they dont sleep for long stretches because of the consistancy and thinness of the milk, therefore theyre awake and hungry more often. so it seemed this would be the best of both worlds, IF it doesnt become an engorgement issue and IF the baby doesnt have issues with it as well. I am going to try it from the get go, and see what happens. anyone else try this?
| P - July 5 |
My daughter gets up twice at night to eat. She's up for about twenty minutes and then she's right back to sleep. To tell you the truth, I don't think she really wakes up to eat, she just kind of does it while she's sleeping. Makes putting her back down really easy.
| P - July 5 |
They gave her formula in the hospital before my milk came in and she did drink that. Probably because she was so freakin hungry. After we got home she only took it a couple of times but I only tried one kind and a couple of different bottles. She likes the Avent ones, by the way.
Hi, We were b___stfeeding only until one night my daughter got sick (I am guessing it is what I had to eat that day) and so we gave her a small amount of formula, and from then on she would not take b___st milk. We talked to her ped. about it, and she said b___stmilk is very sweet. It is just a preferred taste, and she preferrs formula. Some baby's will do both, but NOT MINE!!!
| KH - July 5 |
Staci, I would pump before you go to bed. Then, you will have a little frozen for when you want to get out during the day to get a few things done. It's always good to have extra milk frozen. I would say that you would be engorged for a few days and then your body would adjust. That may be what you want, but if you want your supply to stay up there, I would pump. good luck :)
| KH - July 5 |
this is the formula we used (organic dairy based). http://www.naturesone.com/index.htm
| C - July 6 |
I started giving my son formula after a week because he wasn't gaining enough weight at first and he had started to get jaundice too. My milk seemed to take forever to come in. His doctor recommended I do this. I tried Similac at first and he got a little rash on his b___t and then on his face. Not sure if that is why but I was nervous. I then tried Nestle Good Start (the one without DHA & ARA is what I use) and he does wonderful on this. He now gets all of his feedings from either my b___st or expressed b___st milk and then 2 servings of formula a day. I never seem to have enough b___st milk for the babysitter so she gives him formula when the b___st milk runs out. I did notice b4 I went back to work if I gave him formula for his last feeding, he'd sleep a little longer. After 4 weeks he started sleeping through the night and I noticed that whether I give him formula or b___st milk for his last feeding he still sleeps through the night.
My sister waited something like 4 or 6 weeks to introduce the bottle and her daugther would NEVER take it. She is now pregnant again and plans to supplement with formula right away too. From what I can tell with my son is that b___stfeeding is such a relaxing time for him. I can understand if you wait to introduce the bottle why some babies refuse to take it.
Good luck!
I've been *told* that a little bit of rice cereal in b___st milk does the same trick as the formula, and is better for Baby. But, since I'm currently expecting my first kiddo, I wouldn't really know. I do know that that's what I'll be doing. Also, my doctor and my lactation consultant both say that Mom should not attempt to both bottle feed and b___st feed, but rather do one or the other. Dad can bottle feed, but mom should be b___st exclusively, or bottle exclusively, so as to eliminate confusion on the part of kid. Again, this is just what I've been told, and I'm most definately not an expert.
I had my baby boy on June 23rd and in the hospital I b___st fed when I could...they gave him formula about 25% of the time when he was away. When we got home I b___st fed about 75% of the time for about a week. Now...I b___stfeed during the day and pump and also formula feed him bottles at night. It's way easier it seems. He's really good at adapting to the difference in nipples and he seems to sleep better when he gets the formula. My b___sts did get a little engorged when I first let off the b___st feeding but they got into the cycle and only produce enough milk for the baby to eat.
| KH - July 7 |
I wouldn't put rice cereal in b___stmilk for several months. I've heard from many consultants that it gives the baby a false sense of fullness too early.
| kc - July 11 |
Actually, at birth it is best to stick with one or the other. It can cause digestive problems in the babies little tummy. If you are doing this out of hoping the baby will sleep better this is also not always true. My daughter was exclusively b___st fed and when compared with 3 other infants her same age who were bottle fed ( all close friends or relatives) she slept longer streches (8 hours at 6 weeks 10 hours by 8 weeks). My friends and sister's kids didn't sleep all night until they were 1 to 2 years old. I also found nursing at night was way more convenient. You didn't have to listen to a screaming infant for what seemed like hours waiting for his night time snack. I kept my daughter in a ba__sinet next to the bed and within seconds my daughter was having her snack satisfied quietly went back to sleep. You do what is best for you. But I would try nursing at night for the first few weeks and then slowly switching to formula. Formula is very very hard on infant systems. I introduced formula to my daughter for the first time at 6 months and she vomitted for hours. I called the doctor and she said that was normal since she was not used to it. I went back to nursing. Good Luck with what ever you decide.
I just found that when I miss a feed my milk supply decreases dramatically - but then I'm struggling to get my supply going.
I'm a new mum of my son who is almost 5 weeks old.. I just started giving him a bottle of formula when he turned 4 weeks.. My husband gives him the bottle at his 11pm feed. The first night he took an ounze and then I put him on the b___st to finish off - the second night he took 2 oz... I go to bed and if my husband has trouble - he wakes me up and I will give him the b___st. It seems to be working and my son has no problem b___stfeeding during the day or during the nighttime feedings. Its important that someone else give your baby the bottle though and not you so that your baby knows that he gets the b___st from you. I also think its important that your baby have a good latch before you start this. Its much easier for a baby to get its food from a bottle - they have to work to get it from the b___st.
Just remember - your the mum and whatever you decide will be whats best for you and your baby!
great advice everyone. and good point shelley, I will make sure hubby does the nighttime feeding when I start it. it seems like the consensus is I should wait a few weeks.. providing the b___stfeeding goes well, of course... hmm- youve all given me lots to think about.