Jaundice In Breatfed Babies
7 Replies
My baby son is now almost 4 weeks old and he still has jaundice. My son has had blood tests taken for the level of bilirubin and the doctor has said that everything is ok and to continue with br___tfeeding. I have read on many sites that jaundice usually disappears at aound 2 weeks but I can't help but worry that at 4 weks, my son still has it. So I'm just wondering if there are any mothers out there whose babies have had janudice for longer than 2 weeks.
| C - December 13 |
My almost three week old son had/has a touch of it according to his doctor. She was never concerned enough to check levels. (That bothered me, but I trust her...better not be a mistake.) His color has improved, but still doesn't look 100% to me. He has an appointment tomorrow, hopefully I'll know more then.
My Daughter had it and was under the blue lights. Did the doc put your baby under the blue lights too? I was told by my midwife that b___st fed babies are more prone to get it and well if the level is under 12 they usualy let the babies out of the hospital. I suggest that if you have a window where there is sunlight that you sit there with the baby only in his diaper. i know that in some states is very cold right now but if weather permits outside in direct sunlight will be better. my baby was born in sep so here in NC it was still hot. i sat outside for twenty minutes at a time. but dont worry if doc said that the blood work was fine then their is nothing to worry about.
My friend's baby had it for almost 9 weeks. The Dr. said for her to b___stfeed more and drink more water herself, but not to give any water to the baby. It took a while, but it worked.
my lil guy was jaundice for 3 or so weeks, in hospital he was put under lights. I strictly b___stfeed and no problems. Give it time, dont give up b___stfeeding
| C - December 14 |
Had the appt, it's getting better...as I expected. She said to give it up to two more weeks.
hang in there. it'll go off. my son had it for more than a month. definitely more than 4 weeks. but it peaked at about 3 weeks and then started to go down. it's so common especially in asian countries that some experts claim it is actually beneficial
Thanks for all the replies, I feel much better now. My doctor actually said to give some water to my baby as it helps with the jaundice, but then I read in many books that if you b___stfeed exclusively, you shouldn't need to feed baby anything else.