Toughening Up Nipples For Breastfeeding
1 Replies
I am (or will be) a first time mom and planning to br___tfeed exclusively for the first year. I was given the advice to toughen up my nipples before the baby gets here by rubbing the towel over them after my showers, saying that this will help toughen them up, and will lessen the pain that the baby will cause. Is there any validity to this advice? Is this or any other method helpful in lessening the pain? I would appreciate some advice and thank you.
Hi, I b___stfead my little girl for a couple of weeks (due to complications with b___stmilk, she is now on formula) and I can honestly say that if he/she latches on correctly, there will be no pain at all, the only pain I had was when I was done b___stfeeding, and wore nursing pads all of the time (my nipples became raw and very uncomfortable) but there is no need to "toughen" up your nipples, just get a good lactation consultant and enjoy every minute you spend with your little one!