When Do We Start Giving Breast Fed Babies Cereal
2 Replies
| MO - January 7 |
MY son is 4 mo old and I am br___t feeding and i was wondering should I start giving him cereal, I thought my pediatricion said 4mo can't remember and when do they start eating baby food this is my second baby I just forget. thanks
You can start giving small amounts of baby rice and baby cereals at 4 months. Although it is now reccommended postponing solids till 6 months if u can. Once they are over 6 months u can start introducing cereals like weetabix and porridge.
the AAP advices to wait untill 6 months. honestly, baby cereal is about the most worthless thing on the planet, there are much healthier things you could offer. and with b___stfed babies giving cereal is often much like sticking a cork in their rear end, talk about constipation! b___st milk can and should be the primary source of nutrition for the first year. introducing solids is about introducing new textures, not nutrition.