Pregnancy After C Section
4 Replies
My daughter is 11months old.. and my signigicant other and I have been trying for another child. I feel that it has happened this time but for the last 6 days I have had nothing but excrusiating pains. They feel like the worst PMS cramps...but no period with it. I didnt know if this could be something im experiencing because of a previous c-section? Im not even sure im pregnant I just know that I do not like the way i have been feeling. Does anyone have any advice?
Sorry to get so personal but have you been having bad gas or diarhea? Maybe you have a stomach virus or food poisioning? Do you know when you ovulated? If your period isn't even due yet, I wouldn't worry about the cramps. Even with an early miscarriage (a chemical pregnancy where the egg is fertilized but doesn't implant) your period would just come a day or two late and seem normal. I had a c-section and I just had the regular stretchy twinges the next time I got pregnant. Where are your cramps at? Are they low in your ueturus, does it feel like the pain is shooting through your cervix, or are they just across your abdomen? Maybe your pregnant and you little bean is doing what beans do.....give you gas :)
| k. - September 19 |
We are going to start trying in a couple of months.. our son is 10 months old now.... I had a c-section of course, but I'm almost scared, I hope I let enough time go by.
I had my last child 10 years ago (c-section) i had 1 overy removed and the other tied off. My lasy period was short and now I am 5 days late this month. What are the chances that I could be pregnant?
| k. - September 20 |
sounds really slim... you're late so a pregnancy test would be accurate now... Let us know.. good luck either way.