I had a csection with my son.. the horizontal low cut. He was stuck and could not get through normally. I am wanting to attempt a VBAC but scared to death on the risks of a VBAC. anyone accomplished this.. recommend it... not.. Any good resources out there??
hey. i've had one, and if you're anything like me, you will have a hard time finding anyone who can tell you that! my absolute best piece of advice, believe in yourself. since that circ_mstances are unlikely to repeat- you should be an ideal candidate. i had a c w/ my first in 2004 for failure to progress was the "official reason" i was 40w5d and 3 cm. i had a big baby and they decided to induce w/ pitocin. after 9 hours they broke my water, 5 hours later i got an epi- he was posterior so i had lots of back labor. and 4 hours after that i got a fever and the heart rate spiked so they took him by section. my second's due date was exactly 2 years after my first. i knew i wanted to vbac. i had to find a new doc and wound up w/ a midwife. at 34 weeks i decided i really didn't like the hospital so found a new doc who was excellent. oh- my first was an 8lbs 13 oz boy. doc was worried because he was big and usually 2nds are bigger and i always measure large. (i'll try to make this short) i was 40w 10d w/ my 2nd and an nst showed dips in heart rate so he said we will induce you or schedule a section. because of my first i was afraid to be induced but i did NOT want to have a section. i had a horrible surgery (3 hrs) and recovery, i was on antibiodics for days and pain killers for like 4 weeks. so.. w/ my 2nd i was induced at 2pm by breaking my waters, and went from 2 cm to 7cm by 6pm got an epidural at 6:30 and he was born at 7:16pm at 8lbs 2 oz. bad news is i did get a 4th degree tear BUT i think they pushed me to push to fast. i had the urge but he was born in like 4 pushes which could've been longer in my opinion and he would've been fine.
anyways- that's my story and some other reading advice, is just to find whatever you can (internet is a good source) about the pros and cons and weigh them against your situation. most people who want to vbac feel 1- cheated of the experience and/or 2- had a bad sectoin experience. i had both. one big thing to remember is that there are risks either way you go. cesarean is major abdominal surgery and also carries risks though they're not advertised as much because its soo common. also if you plan to have more than 2 children, each section increases your risk whereas a vbac will not.
having a vbac is the best experience i have ever had! i got to naturally birth a child and i got to experience that i can do anything i put my mind to. to do something that a lot of people are skeptical about. it was sort of a power trip.
if you have any other questions or want to talk about it (support by the way is a BIG thing- you have to have a partner, doctor and family & friends that are supportive) let me know or i can try to find some of the resources i used. my email is jml043077@yahoo.com if you want to message me.
whichever you chose, good luck!
Thanks very much for your answer and time.. It is a very tough decision and one that I think will have to be made with the help of my doctor too.. I have yet to discuss it with her.. but I guess they will tell me if I am a candidate. I really want to experience a natural birth. I was not impressed with C-section... but we will see.