i had a c/section with my fist becauce the placenta came away at 34 weeks, sadly we lost our little boy, but now i'm 24 weeks with my second and it's in a breech position and i want to know would it be possible for a natural birth?
A friend of mine delivered her first baby v____ally and her baby was in partial breech position. My friend and her doctor knew about the breech position well in advance and the doctor mentioned a c-section to her. She did not want to have a c-section so they tried a v____al birth and it was successful. The surgeon she had was very skilled in breech childbirth. The nurses with all their experience in childbirth were amazed at how he conducted that birth because they thought she would have to have a c-section. My friend, however, had to have an episiotomy because the doctor needed room to get the baby out and her baby was 7.5 pounds So yes, it probably would be possible to deliver your baby naturally but the doctor may have to cut you and / or use forceps or a vacuum to get the baby out and remember that not all OB-gyns are skilled at conducting breech v____al births as their first recommendation is to go for the section. Also, since this is your second baby, be careful about the VBAC because they are not always successful and you may end up having an emergency c-section in the end. I hope I didn't confuse you even more and I hope this was of some help to you.
the doctor can also perform a cephalic adversion which is when they turn the baby from the outside...it appears to be painful and theres a chance your membranes can rupture which you would then need to be taken c..there are options for you...when i was pg with my first son he was in breech presentation at 38 weeks and they were going to schedule a c and my friend told me to do hand stands...so i went to a pool and did head stands and it worked he fliped...however, i still needed a c due to failure to progress..so
also only 24 weeks your baby still has plenty of time to flip...be positive...you are still early in your pg you have time...i dont think there is a need to worry right now...
| JY - October 12 |
Just listen to your doctor and she what he or she recommends. You still have a few months and your baby may even turn on his/her own. If your baby is still breech at nine months, though, it may not be wise to push for the natural delivery. Since this would be a VBAC for you and they are risky anyway even when the baby is head down, with the breech position added to the VBAC it would be even more difficult to achieve a successful v____al birth without causing injury or damage to both you and the baby. Everything will be fine and remember that you do not have to make your decision right away. You have some time and it will all work out.
This is my 3rd pregnancy and I am having a c-section on Oct 21st. I am 38 weeks tomorrow and this baby is 9 pounds, 1 ounce and breech. My doctors say they cannot not even attempt to turn him as he is too big. I am scared of the c-section but considering the alternative, I think the c-section is safer.