C Section After Nine Months
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i have been having pain for about three days now
first it started with a pull like a knife feeling at the left of
my scar and it has been a horrible pain that runs all
the way to my back that i have been taking Motrin
and been putting hot towel on it to relieve the pain
and it has gotten to the point that i can't walk because
everytime i step i feel a pull and i even felt like i was
going to faint it has been horrible the pain does not go
away it comes and goes put really strong. can anyone
help or suggest anything i calle dmy doctor and told
him and he said he dosen't understand why i'm still
getting these pains and this is the second time it happens the first time it happen it was 4 months after my c-section so if you have an advise to what can i do
it will be great