| ac - September 14 |
this is a weird question but 5 years ago i had an emergency c-section and had twin stillborn girls at 33 weeks i'am now almost 36 weeks and i really want to try vbac but my boyfriend is always out of town, i'am due oct.19 and my boyfreind will be home fromoct.10-oct.16 do you think theres any chance that myy doctor could induce my labor 1 week early so i won't have to be alone??? i really do want to try for a vbac.but i know that if i get a c-section they will give it to me 1 week before my due date i know it sounds selfish but i don't want to be alone having my baby.
i dont blame you for not wanting to be alone it is a scarey experience i dont think docs like to induce for no reason and it actually raises your chance of needing a c. if the induction dont work. sorry about your babies. i know that must have been hard...if you scheduled a c it would be why he was home?