Left Sided Abdominal Swelling And Pain After C Section

511 Replies
dovie - August 9

Four months after my c-section I told my doctor my scar felt puffy and swollen inside. Two years later I have adnemyosis and my GYN said 80% chance of endometriosis. My whole uterus is swollen and painful along with bad back pain. I have never had any female problems or pain before this. I don't want a hysterectomy so I am looking for answers. The Mayo Clinic had something about a ceasarian scar could start adnemyosis. By the way I have had pelvic MRI, vag. ultrasounds and a D-n-C. Does anyone have some answers on alternative treatments?


nmickley - August 31

hello to you all. Let me say that I am more than shocked to see that so many women are having the same issues. I have been having pain to the touch, twinges, and such in the lower left side near my c scar for a couple of months now. My son is 6 months old, my second. My first c went fine, no probs. The same doctor did both of my surgeries. I finally called her and she is going to see me on Tuesday. She said that it sounds like a "neuroma" and she will send me to a general surgeon or plastic surgeon to take care of the problem. I have one concern, there are no submissions on this forum about whether or not this goes away... anyone seen this cured? I feel like I am blessed to have a doc that seems to know what it is right away and take care of it, without even seeing me. I will write next week to tell what the doctor said.


Chem400 - September 1

nmickly, I will post "a few years out" so to speak. I have been screamed at, booed, hissed at and called judgemental and pushy on other forums for trying to dissuade women from ELECTING c-sections for no reason. Most of them site "pain" or recovery from v____al delivery as leaving long term problems for their reasons, like c-sections don't do both? Well, I can honestly say that the after-effects from c-sections last YEARS until someone fixes them. I suffered from all you are describing, plus all the horrific periods, blood clots, adhesions, organs stuck together etc. after my 4 very necessary c's. For years my docs said it is hormones, or try depo or yadda yadda. Finally, when I was going into labor to "deliver" clots every 20 days I stormed into a gyno's office and begged for an end to it. She did an ultrasound, found some small fibroids that she could use to qualify me for a hysterectomy and in we went. I know it is so final and I know it has drawbacks, but I am so glad I did. She found my bladder stuck to my uterus, my colon adhered to the backside of my uterus, adhesions pulling on various intestinal structures and my ovaries and severe adenomyosis in my uterus itself (the reason for such heavy periods). I was only in my early 30's so it was a sad day, but I have 4 healthy kids and couldn't go through another c-section anyways. I hope you all don't have to go through a hysterectomy, but I do hope you will continue to warn women and educate doctors that there are these horrible side effects to c-sections and that NOONE should treat them as an easy alternative to v____al birth. Best wishes to each of you, I hope you find relief.


ABBY06 - September 2

Wow I really am glad I am not the only one going through this, like most of you may feel when you finally find this site. I just had a emergency c-section 3 months ago.This is my second baby but my first cesarean everything happened so fast from the time we were told we needed one to delivery was 13 minutes. we tryed to have her v____ally but I had no water her head was down but was giving me back labor cause she was facing the wrong way and we lost her heart beat I am glad she is alive and healthy ..Thank God! Now I have the same pain in my left side especially when I stand for long periods of time I bleed for three to four days about every 3-4 days and get nauseous, dizzy sometimes the pain is intense. I am very fustrated and even s_x sucks because I get vey nauseous and get pain especially on my left side during and after. and after we have s_x I get a very intense pain in my ovary area also. then sometime bleed the next day. if I wasnt bleeding already .Dr. first thought it was a incisional hernia 30 seconds later he left the room and left me baffled and unable to ask any questions.but I went to the specialist and he told me he didn't feel a hernia. I was sick for two days after the exam then went back to my ob he gave me a pelvic exam and he said he doesn't know whats wrong and there are no test do find out what it is.since I was not bleeding oh give it another two weeks. after his exam I was sick for four days.I know what I am going through is not normal and my ob doesn't even seem to care and is unwilling to suggest anything or even stay in the room for more than 10 minutes. I have since changed dr's and am awaiting my next appt. Have any of you been through this and found out what's wrong?


hh - September 2

Hi to you all. I have great news in that I finally had a laproscope done and the following was found - a 5cm cyst on my left ovary, adhesions sticking my stomach to my abdominal wall, adhesions found on both left and right side of my abdomen and placental cell left inside after having a c Section over 2 years ago. I am now 2 weeks post op and whilst still a bit sore from the operation i finally feel "better". Now I just have to recover slowly and get down to some excercise which I will finally be able to do without pain as I won't be all "stuck together". None of these things ever showed up on scans or MRI's and it was only through sifting through many doctors and websites have I finally found some answers. I have had to fund evrything myself and had to travel 4000km to get satifaction but finally I have been helped. Although a little bloated still my stonach has finally dropped and is changing shape, I am looking "less pregnant and swollen by the day and feelingstronger for it. PLEASE - No matter which country you live in or where you live keep pursuing your health system because there are answers and you are not making it up. i started to doubt myself but am very glad of having a great supportive husband that has helped me through and now I will be well again. Ask questions, look at websites and if someone doesn't believe you walk out and find someone else! Good luck to you all - will post in a month or two when I am fully recovered - thanks for all the suuport!


HeatherH - September 16

I am so glad to have found this site. I hope it may arm me with some information for when I go back to talk to my doctor. I have had 3 c-sections ('01,'04, '05). I have had no problems until this last c-section. I knew immediately something was wrong and I tried to tell the doctors and nurses. I had intense burning & swelling along my right bikini line that would radiate into groin. My incision never really hurt. I couldn't sleep on my right side for months since it would burn. It's been 9 months and things have improved but now my pelvic area/groin area hurts all the time on both sides. It especially hurts if I hold something heavy or try to run. One doc thought nerve damage. Now I know I need to keep seeking answers instead of being in pain. I wish someone would have explained what having mulitple c-secs could do to your body. My doc just said there could be problems with scar tissue but not to let it stop me from having more babies if I wanted them. If we have more it won't be from my body. My first c-sec was so easy to recover from I never considered a VBAC. Thanks for sharing your stories


mum,of 2 girls - October 16

Hi everyone!! Can I join your club please!!! I had section 16mths ago have been suffering ever since. Did anyone have a drain in place after their section? I nearly died when they pulled mine out!!!! Anyway! I have moderate aches and pains in my right side dailey! and then everynow and then i suffer spasms in my tummy, stomach cramps accompanied by the sweats ...I suffer from trapped wind soooo bad! I feel like i could pop...the glands in my groins are always up. As soon as I lay in bed my stomach makes strange lous noises that make me feel sick. I also have achy pains in my right side after s_x and if i'm lucky it hurts to cough!!!! I have had an ultrasouns to check for a prolapse, adhesions & cysts but am yet to go back for the results..the technican that scanned me said " Everything is where is should be" ?? what now??? I cant go on like this??!


Boveez - October 29

Hello again everyone. It's been a while since I last posted. I had a FNA biopsy of my "lump" back in April. The radiologist called me to say that there did appear to be endometrial cells in the tissues that were examined, which led her to believe that this could indeed be an incisional endometriosis. My sucky OB/GYN dr. never even called me back to discuss the results of my biopsy. (GOD, THAT REALLY PISSES ME OFF!) I let it go because any pain I had felt was bearable, and I just didn't want to deal with having any kind of surgery until summertime was over because I had alot planned. I figured I would take care of it in the fall and keep track of any pain and patterns over the summer months. Well, I kept track on my calendar and definitely noticed a cyclical pattern to the pain I was beginning to notice more and more. Just like many of you, my pain around my lump (on the left side of my incision) starts at the tail end of my period and lasts for about two weeks afterward. I am noticing that as time goes by, the pain is getting worse, which tells me that I need to get my b___t in gear and just call a dr. to have it removed. I was hoping to hear from those who have had the surgery about how recovery went. I felt very fortunate to have gone through easy c-section recoveries without any complications. In retrospect, I may have pushed myself a bit more than I should have, but I obviously felt well enough to do so at the time. I'm just looking for some details so I can prepare myself for something I am not looking forward to. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!


becky11826 - October 29

Hello boveez I had surgery back in April 2006 for incisional endometrioses. I discovered the lump and started having pain in January. The surgery itself was outpatient and was scheduled for 11 am and I was home by 4pm. I did have a little trouble with the anesthesia but I had that after my c-sections also. I would have probably been out of the hospital by about 2pm if I didn't. I had my surgery on a Tuesday and by Saturday of that week I was at my oldest son's baseball game. Recovery was pretty easy and other than the drainage from my incision for about a week I was fine. My doctor took out a tennis ball size lump...it had been growing for about 6 years ( since my 2nd c-section) . I was prescribed vicodin but only took 2 pills in the first 2 days and then went to advil....the pain was minimal...I had more trouble getting up and down from the bed and couch for the first 2 days...reminded me of what it was like after a c-section....Hope this is helpful...let me know if you have any other questions...believe me I thought I could live with the pain until the first month I didn't have it..


Lil Mama - October 30

I had a csection a month ago and have been debating whether I should go to my OBGYN about the pain in my left side. Am I just wasting my time if I go? Any advice, littlemama92806@yahoo.com.


withchild334 - November 1

I had a haematoma after I had my section but I believe they wouldn't last more than a few weeks. I was worried it was a hernia though.


Lil Mama - November 3

I finally went into the Dr. and they told me I only had a uterine infection and put me on some antibiotics. I guess it could've been worse. We'll see if this fixes my problem.


JessicaNY - January 2

For those who have been successfully diagnosed and treated by a doctor for this condition, it would be great to know that doctor's name and location. Thank you.


spkn4 - January 24

Hi Everyone! --Now Pain Free!!! I wanted to share with you all my experience with abdominal pain after my c-section. My c-section was almost 4 years ago. I started having this same type of pain that most of you are experiencing about 4-6months after my c-section. I told my doctor and was told the same thing that many of you have been told. It could be a hernia, it could be adhesions, it could be nerve damage, it could be this, it could be that. My pain gradually got worse with each cycle. Almost 3 years later, and a new doctor, we discovered, through a CT-scan, that there was some type of ma__s in my c-section scar. (you could also feel it under the skin) I was scheduled for a laporoscopy and the doctor found that I had Endometriosis in my scar tissue that was apparently caused by my previous c-section. When you have a c-section if the doctor does not completely clean you out then some of the uterin lining can get trapped in the incison causing Endometriosis in the Scar area. She removed it and I have been pain free ever since!!! I hope this information can help some of you!!!! Good Luck!


greg - May 14

Hi all, My wife had a C-section which was described as traumatic by the docs involved. Afterward, she had tremendous pain which matched alot of the descriptions listed her. We were convinced something was seriously wrong. After 4 months, she had multiple doctor appointments, internal exams, blood tests, ultrasound, CT scan, and a trip to the ER for extreme pain. Her regular ma__sage therapist eventually did some work on her and in the process found a spot along her spine that correlated directly to the pain she'd been having. I'm not sure what nerve it was but she also figures there were alot of adhesions along the scar. Using her hands, she was able to ma__sage the lumps out and after a couple of appointments, my wife was about 90% better. She still has minor pain, but she attributes that to the fact that she's still not totally healed and it's still getting better with time. I can't say enough to express how much of an improvment there's been. We were on the verge of travelling to the nearest maternity center (5 hour drive) and start over with new docs. Good luck!


Pez - May 14

Nikki, I am so sorry about all of the pain you have endured! What a nightmare! I am supposed to be calling my GYN to be put on the surgery schedule for next month to have laproscopy to check out the "incisional endometriosis" but I am a little frightened that there might be some problems and I could end up with an emergency hysterectomy. Might sound silly and far-fetched but who the heck knows what might happen! Best wishes with your needle biopsy if your thyroid. I had half of my thyroid removed in 2001 due to nodules. My TSH is still ok and I am not on any replacement hormones for that yet which I am glad about because thyroid issues can bring on a whole new set of health issues.



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